Chapter ~32~

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Read the a/n at the bottom plz. I'm fucking stupid 😂😭
Justin's pov:

I rush down to the office. Why is he down there? Is he in trouble? Did he do something good?

I open the door and see the security at her desk. I go up to the counter.

"Raegan?" I ask. I know her pretty well. I talked to her when I had problems.

"Nurse." She says with a not so happy face on. That's not a good sign. The nurses office is right next to the office and there is a door connecting them. So I go and open the door. The first thing I see is Raegan sitting on the little bed they have with an ice pack on his cheek, also covering his eye. The principle is standing her over him.

"Baby?" I ask. They both turn and see me. I walk over and sit next to him.

"What happened?" I ask. I take his hand that's holding the ice pack and lower it so I can see his face. He has a black eye and right under his cheek is red and swollen.

"What the...? Are you okay babe?" I examine his face in shock. It's bad. He nods slightly.

"Raegan here got in a fist fight with Jason Andersons." The principle says. Ugh she's annoying.

"Jason? Why?" He puts the ice back on his face but doesn't answer me. I look at Mrs. Olivia. (Principles name 😂🤷)

"I don't know. Raegan started it." She says.

"Raegan. Talk to me." I say grasping his jaw and turning it to me. He looked up at Mrs. Olivia and then back at me. He wants her to leave.

"May we be alone for a minute?" I ask looking at her. She nods and leaves the room. The nurse isn't in her either.

"Now talk to me. What happened?" I ask more serious now then shocked. He moves the ice pack and begins to speak.

"He was talking about you Justin. About us. I-i-" I cut him off.

"Raegan, what did I tell you. You need to ignore people."

"I tried." He says quickly. It's hard to see his swollen, back and blue eye but I can see the other one swell with tears.


"I've been getting texts all week. People come up to me in the hallways and tell me that I'm stupid and worthless for being bi. They talk about you and I hate it when people talk about you in a bad way." He says sniffing in between sentences.

"I understand Rae. But you got to toughen up. Confront them, do whatever. But don't start any fights. Jason isn't worth your time." I tell him. He nods.

"I know."

I smile slightly and hug him, getting on his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck as I straddle him. He hugs me around my waist and we stay like this. Until there is a knock. I pull away from his shoukder and kiss him. He smiles.

"Come in." I say getting off of him. The principle comes back in with a piece of paper.

"Raegan I just called your mom. You are suspended for 4 days." That's understandable to me.

"That's not fair Mrs.-" Raegan starts but I cover his mouth. I stand up and cross my arms.

"And Jason?" I ask.

"He didn't start the fight." She says.

"Yeah. But uh, have you seen Raegan's face. He can't get away with that."

"Justin." She gives me that look. The 'shut up its happening look'.

"Whatever." I sit back down.

"Get back to class Justin." She says closing the door. I groan under my breathe.

"I'm sorry." He mummbles. I look at him.

"It's okay baby. Just be careful next time." He nods.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Come over after school?" He asks.

"Yeah. See you later." I touch his cheek connecting our lips. I blush pulling away. Still the same amazing spark from this boy.

I get up and walk out of the office. His mom is already here. She doesn't look happy. She sees me and I go up to her.

"Mrs. Beast?" I ask.

"Hey Justin. How's Rae?"

"He's alright." I shrug.

"I can't believe him. He's out of it sometimes and doesn't think."

"Yeah, I know. But, go easy on him. Ever since he's come out to the school, kids have been picking on him. He must have just snapped. He's not used to being called names and what not."

"Really?" She smiles a little.

"Yeah. He's trying." I nod.

"Well I'll talk to him. Thank you for telling me."

"Of course. Can I come over after schools over?" I ask giggling.

"Sure. See you later."

"Bye." I walk out of the office and head to my class. Slowly I might add because I hate math.

~After school~

I walk up the steps to Raegan's house and knock on the door. He opens it and moves away so I can come in. He closes the door and I hug him.

"You alright?" He asks.

"Yeah. Fine." I nod. We pull away from each other and walk up to his room. He sits on his bed and I sit next to him. I turn his cheek so he's looking at me.

"Does it hurt?" I ask him gently stroking his cheek.

"Not really. I'm okay." He gives me a fake smile.

"Are you sure? You can talk to me Rae. You know that."

"I know baby. It's fine I promise." He nods.

"I hope these next four days go by fast."

"Me too."

"I'm going to miss you."  I laugh. I stare at him as he stares at me. My phone starts ringing that makes us lose eye contact. I take my phone out and see my mom calling me.

"Hello?" I ask answering the phone.

"Justin?" She says. She's really quite.

"Mom, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I just...need you home."

"Why?" I ask.

"I need to talk to you. Please?"

"Mom you are scaring me."

"Justin just come home. See you soon." And she hands up. I take my phone away from my ear and stare at it.

"What happened?" Rae asks. I look up at him.

"I don't know. She wants me home so she can talk to me.

"Oh alright. Text me later, okay?" He smiles.

"Yea of course." I get up from his bed. He looks up at me and I kiss him before walking to the door.

"I love you Rae."

"I love you more." He smiles and I walk out of his room shutting the door behind me.

Yea yea hope you enjoyed blah blah. Who else fucking forgot about Raegan having crutches 😂😂 I fucking can't! My fucking dumbass fucking brian forgot he had crutches. So uh...he doesn't have crutches anymore 😂🤦🤦

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