Chapter ~36~

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Justin's pov:

It's Monday now. I'm not in the best mood. Raegan never texted me back saturday night, So I left it alone. But he didn't even text me back Sunday. I texted him again asking him if he wanting to do something. But he said he was busy. So I didn't even bother. I know he wasn't really busy. He just didn't want to see me. He's scared, but I am too. He can't just ignore me though.

So, i packed from 10-1 o'clock. Then I went over to Madison's house. James was there and I told them I was moving. They are really sad. I feel bad. But we had a nice time while I was there.

I walk into school wanting to find Raegan as soon as possible. He didn't text me this morning so I didn't bother texting him. I need to talk to him in person though asap.

I walk around the school before first period trying to find him. He's not at his locker. He's not under the stairs. He's not anywhere i'm looking. As I'm walking through the halls, my phone goes off.

Baby💘: Come to my locker now plz

I don't answer and just rush to his locker. I see him leaning against it staring off into space. I walk over and he sees me. He hugs me tight before I can say anything. I hug back not wanting to ever let go again.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I ask him. He pulls away and holds my hand.

"I'm sorry babe. I just feel like you don't want to be together anymore."

"Rae, I never said that." I shake my head.

"You didn't have to. Come on, our conversation Saturday. You said that we will have to see what happens when you move and that it will be hard."

"Because I'm facing reality Raegan." I tell him.

"But no matter what, you've just been saying we aren't going to work out. I don't want to lose you."

"And you won't. I'm just upset about moving and doing this to us. I still love you and I still want us to work."

"Do you?" He asks.

"Raegan? Seriously?" I look at him upset and shake my head...

He walks past me without another word. Omg why is he so sad about what I'm saying. He can't possibly think that when I move, nothing is going to change? That we are still going to be in a good relationship. No. We aren't. And he know's that.

I take out my phone and text my mom.

Me: Can you come and sign me out?

Mom: Why sweety?

Me: I don't want to be here. And what's the point? We are leaving tomorrow.

Mom: I guess yeah. See you soon.

My school has a stupid new rule now that parents or guardians need to sign you out. So my mom has to come sign me out. She didn't go to work today because she is still packing some stuff. Mine as well go home and help.

The bell rings for first period but I'm not going. I'm going to stand by my locker until she texts me that she is close. She always does. Maybe 5 minutes later, she texts me.

Mom: I'll be in the school in 5 minutes.

Me: Ok.

I shut my phone off and start walking down the halls. Before I go to the office, I walk towards Raegan's first period class. I peek through the window and see he's not in his desk. Is he skipping?

I walk more through the halls to try and find him. Maybe under the stairs? I quickly make my way under the staircase where we would go every once and a while. I peek under the stairs and see him, and one of his ex's I remember.

Tears escape my eyes instantly. My heart starts to ache. My legs are weak. My head starts pounding. My breathing picks up rapidly. They pull away, and Raegan sees me. 

"Babe. No please listen, it's not what it looks like." He pushes her away and tries to get close to me. But I move away fast.

"No. You liar. Those messages, they were lies. All you said to me, you lied."

"No. No I didn't lie. Please." Tears fall from his eyes onto his cheeks.

"You were just making out with one of your ex girlfriends. What you just couldn't wait till I was gone huh?" I cry.

"What? No Justin no. I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking. You moving is just hard for me to process I'm so sorry." He begs. I don't say anything and wipe my face.

"I love you Raegan. But it doesn't matter anymore." I walk away from him.

"No!" He pulls my arm. "Justin I love you. Please this can't be the end."

"Well, it is. Goodbye Raegan." I yank my arm away as hard as I can and run to the office. My mom is waiting for me.

"Let's go p-please." I beg her. She quickly walks out of the office and we walk out to her car. We get in the car and I break down in tears hitting the dashboard.

"Fuck!" I yell but my voice breaks as I do.

"Justin, baby calm down please." My mom tries to calm me down. It doesn't work but she drives home anyway. I cry the whole way home wanting to hit everything in sight.

We get home and I run out of the car and go inside. I see pretty much the whole house is packed. Most furniture is gone. I run up to my room and slam the door. My bed is still in here thank God.

"He doesn't love me. He was avoiding me on purpose. He wanted to avoid me so he could go and kiss any girl he sees." I say to myself. I don't care that I'm taking to myself right now. He cheated and he doesnt love me.

I change his name in my contacts. As I am, he texts me.

💔: Baby please this can't end like this. I can't live without you. Let's work this out! I need to see you again before you leave.

Me: First, don't call me baby. And sadly for me, this is the end. If you loved me, you wouldn't have kissed her. You could have talked to me and told me you didn't want to be together anymore. You didn't have to avoid me.  You didn't have to lie what you want to be with me forever.

💔: Justin, you're my everything I promise. I don't know what I was doing, I regret it. I regret it all. Please I'll never disown you again. I love you Jay!

Me: I'm done Raegan. I really am. Goodbye and have a nice life.

I block his number after I send that and throw my phone on the ground. I start crying again. Even after what he did. I miss him. I want to see him again before I leave. But I need to be strong. I'm done with him.

I go downstairs after I stop crying. I see my mom. She comes over and hugs me.

"Mom, if Raegan comes over. Don't let him in please. I don't want to see him again before we leave."

"Oh. Okay." She agrees.

"I'll help with anymore packing." I offer.

"No no. It's okay. Go up to your room and take a nap." I nod and go back upstairs.

He didn't want a long distance relationship. He should have told me he wanted to break up. He should have said he wanted to see other people. But no. Once a Fuckboy, always a fuckboy.

Oh my god. I had to take breaks in the middle of this one because I kept starting to cry. 😭 Welp, there is one more chapter before the sequel. Not sure when it will be out yet. Bye for now.🤷😑

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