Chapter 1: Background

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My name is Issac Harding. When I was 9 years old I discovered something about myself that most would be afraid of, would call a monster. My philosophy on life is that live how you want, no hold back. Once life is over that's it, end game. For someone like me our life expectancy is higher, that is if there weren't people trying to kill us. 

I work as a private detective for 2 reasons: 

1- I'm good at what I do. 

2- I get to be myself (although I can't tell people that) 

In another life say if I wasn't found on a orphanage doorstep when I was 2 days old, maybe I would still be in school learning about how to do my job before doing it like I am now. 

When I was 16 years old I ran away from the orphanage. Now I'm 17 years old and doing something only slightly illegal. I'm considered the best at my job though although seen as shady and unreliable I go to whichever place is closest to my last job. 

I'm now skating through Atlanta with nothing more than my headphones, backpack, skateboard and my beanie. I'm on my way to my next case although not the closest it seems more interesting. 

Next stop Riverdale. 

Issac Harding portrayed by Thomas Sangter. (Picture above) 

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