Chapter 15: Beat On The Brat

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Issac POV 

"I say karaoke bar,  have some fun. Best way to get to know a person is know what their music taste is" I Said to Sophia once we'd gotten into her car. She laughed at me shaking her head finding amusement out of my very serious suggestion. 

"I was thinking we could get some food first how bout that?" She asked so I nodded and gave her directions to Pop's. As we drove I decided to turn the radio on. A pop station came on, change. I eventually found the station I usually listened to and Sophia looked at me shocked. "Didn't expect you to listen to this that's why I put a pop radio on!" Exclaimed Sophia and if she wasn't driving I would have hugged her. 

For about 15 minutesmr and Sophia sang along to the radio where different songs came on. When we arrived at Pop's we went straight for a booth me not noticing the glares thrown my way. 

"Harding what in the hell are you doing here?" Archie Andrews shouted at me. I looked at him confused as Betty rushed over trying to get him to go back over to their table. I saw Jughead stand about to come over but he must have seen the angry storm in my eyes as he shrank back into his seat opposite Cheryl as Pops came over to give them a large order of food. 

"Andrews better get back to your seat" I Said in a vicious tone and Sophia was looking on in concern. I saw Andrews getting more and more angry and knew he was going to make a mistake.

"Are how about you tell me why your determined to ruin everyone's lives. You come here acting like a saint like your gonna solve everyone's problems your not your like the devil coming here and ruining everything. Your a Serpent so why don't you get back to the south side" he shouted angrily but I just had a calm dismissive expression although I was dying to rip into him literally. 

"Well I guess you have a problem with me so I'll let you get all your issues out and you can tell me everything I've done wrong since I got here and I'll help fill in the gaps" I Said standing and looking down at the shorter kid who refused to back down. I don't back down easily but I know when I'm out matched. 

"Let me see you've destroyed Cheryl's family, ruined Betty and Jugheads relationship, you've taken Jughead and made him a different person and now your a criminal who should be in prison and this is just a hunch but my bet is that your the one who killed Jason Blossom and framed his family so you could manipulate Cheryl and kill her and other people as well" he said and I snapped.

I punched him in the face knocking him out in one and looked down coldly at his unconscious body that Betty was fussing over. I sat back down and smiled sweetly at Sophia who seemed stunned by what had just occurred. 

"Well okay then" Was all she said. After 5 minutes Alice walked in and stopped when she saw Archie later on the floor. She looked to me and I smirked causing her to roll her eyes. And when Alice sat down Sheriff Keller walked in. 

"Harding how many times do I need to arrest you?" He sighed when he saw my proud smile and an unconscious Archie. He motioned for me to stand and he put hand cuffs on me and Sophia stood up following me and Keller to the squad car. 

"Is this how every on outting we have is going to go?" 

"Most likely" 


Veronica POV 

"So Veronica I need to talk to you about somethings" Said my mother when we entered our apartment at the Five Seasons. I looked at her curiously but I knew she was telling me so I shouldn't interrupt. "The first thing is that's your father is coming home.." she said but I cut her off, outraged. 

"He's coming home after everything!!" I shouted but my mother stopped me from going further by the furious look on her face. 

"Yes he is and we've decided something that I'm sure you'll be upset  y but we think it's the right thing to do" she said suddenly seeming nervous about something, what she's about to tell me or my reaction? "Before you were born about a year before me and your father we umm... we..." And since she struggled to say it I held her hand in silent support. "We had a child but we didn't think we were ready for one so we gave him up but it was so hard Veronica it was so hard and then about 3 months later your father ended up getting me pregnant again and I knew I couldn't give up another of my babies I just couldn't." She said sobbing whilst I sat stunned. 

"Why?" I asked. Why didn't they tell me? Why am I only just finding out? Why am I being told at all? He's gone right. 

"We were going to get him back" Said my mother. I looked at her shocked, I'd get to meet my older brother. 

"Ehhhhhhh" I squealed with delight. I'd always wanted a sibling at first younger cause I thought my parents hadn't had a child before me but now i get Ann older sibling a brother. 

"Your not upset?" Asked my mom confused by my change in attitude towards my wayward sibling. 

"Of course not I've always wanted a sibling" 

"Thank God" 


Peter POV 


"Hey are you new here?" Asked Veronica as I slid up next to her at the bar in Pop's. 

"Yeah that obvious" I said although I already knew my way around. 

"Well there isn't many new faces around here" she said back to me, makes sense since this towns in the middle of nowhere. 

"Well I'm here to change that I guess" I told her. She seemed familiar but I can't place it. 

"Can I just say you look a lot like my dad just with paler skin" she told me and I laughed. 

"Well I was adopted when I was younger. Maybe I'm your long lost sibling" I laughed at her and she joined in. 

"I've always wanted a sibling but I guess my parents decided otherwise" she said sadly when we stopped laughing and headed to a booth. 

"Well I'll scare the boys away like an older brother would do if you want" I told her and she smiled lightly at me. 

"That would be nice thank you" She said just before Issac came over. 


"What do you mean Issac's been arrested?" Said Murray as we sat in the Whyte Wyrm waiting for Alice, Jughead and Cheryl who were suppose to be getting food and spying on Issac and Sophia. 

"For assault" I said dismissively as I ordered another vodka from the bar. She gave me my drink and I started to sip it lightly whilst Murray shouted at the bartender for giving a minor alcohol but I walked away before he could take it from me. "Hey Lucy" I Said coming up behind Lucy who was leaning against a table talking to Toni. 

"Hey What's that?" She asked seeing my drink. She smelt it and then drank some when she realised what it was. 

"Peter we should talk" Said Murray coming up next to me putting his work phone back in his pocket. 

"We can talk here" I Said drinking more vodka just as the three arrived with food. 

"Well your birth parents have taken custody again" 


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