Chapter 20: Cherry Bomb

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Issac POV 

"I'll deal with Penny and Peter you just stay here Alright?" I Said to Lucy as we walked the halls in search of Peter. I turned to look at her and she nodded. Peter reckless at times, he acts before thinking and paid that with his hot temper and tendency to get himself into situations to get pissed off it's not looking too good at the minutes. 'The idiots gonna get himself killed and I'm going to be left picking up the pieces. Penny is an easy target' truth is penny's been trying to take over my position as Aloha of the pack for a long time, since I turned her (after falling for her glade charms and manipulation) she tried to kill me and was immediately kicked from the pack but once a Serpent always a Serpent meaning she sometimes hung about the pack espeacially when they needed help with the law. Over the last year she organised about 8 attempted kidnappings all of which obviously failed. 

"Peter you asshat Lucy's worried sick now come on we have an omega to kill" I Said to Peter when I found him once the sports hall sat next to a fist shaped hole in the wall showcasing the equipment cupboard. Watching Peter like a hawk I could see tension in his neck as he strained himself to keep control cause when he shifted it was explosive, literally. 

Walking outside I saw FP stood by my car which I asked him to bring after Lucy made her prediction. Peter wasn't dying and non of my pack were either. Getting into the car I saw FP walk to the drivers window to look at me whilst talking, probably to ask if I should be driving considering my impaired eyesight. 

"Save it FP I can see perfectly fine with or without working eyes now if you'll excuse me me and Peter have an omega to slaughter" I Said before FP could lean into the window and drive away at a fast speed. The place where Peabody worked was on the other side of town, the South Side And usually took 30 minutes to get there but we made it in 10 minutes although most people would have held on for dear life me and Peter sat casually since we were both use to travelling at fast speeds in cars, motorbikes etc. 

"You making the final blow or am I?" Asked Peter but I could tell he wanted to. Not bothering to answer knowing he would kill her anyway we made our way inside the dingy building. Peter walked slightly behind me as we passed humans, werewolves and other supernatural creatures alike. Most would be intimidated by the amount of creatures here who no matter if you were a creature yourself could tear you apart as they all worked for Penny and they only cared for their own money. But I wasn't I was an alpha of the Riverdale pack I was the youngest alpha in the northern hemisphere and one of the most powerful. And Peter well he radiates power and death something that all creatures feared but banshees were drawn to. 

"Penny lovely to see you, not, so how were you gonna do it? Make Peter mad and die yourself or were you gonna get someone else to do it?" I asked as me and Peter barged into her office. You could tell she was scared and impressed by the way her blue eyes were glinting but her face stayed straight. She had a mask that when up she thought was impenetrable but it wasn't that good her eyes gave her away. 

"Well well look who it is, Issac Harding finally out of hiding" Said Peabody mock clapping. Peter snorted at her. You see Penny has a superiority complex, she believes that if you can manipulate her it was because she let you and if you escape her kidnapping attempts and  don't directly go for revenge that your scared, her hubris is this complex; I am her downfall, me and Peter. 

"I've not been hiding you must have seen the news, young private detective quickly becoming the best as he solves crime after crime with help of 2 other young highly talented private detectives" I Said and her face if possible became more stones as I just sat smirking at her. 

"Guess your not as good at your job as you thought, just like your not a suitable alpha What with those grey eyes stopping you from being able to defend yourself" she said. A smirk grew on her face and mine only grew wider as I stood knocking my chair into the person who's was sneaking up behind me. Punching another werewolf and then kneeing him in the gut I grabbed his head and twisted, rejoicing in the sound of the pop as the bones broke clean in half and penetrated the oesophagus. Feeling blood splatter on my face I looked round at Peter who had popped out his black talon like in length claws coated in blood swing the body without a head which was a few metres away after being torn from its owners body with the ferocity of Peters swiping claws. 

Air. An essential tool for living no matter who you are or what you are. People who don't have fighting experience or know violence don't understand how it feels like for this gift, nessesity which people take for granted to be taken away. Peabody on ny shoulders a wire around my throat cutting off oxygen my vision was becoming black as that all important chemical was stolen from me. 

"Night night alpha enjoy hell" a pop and a crack sounded in the room followed by a pained howl. 

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