Chapter 28: Born For Greatness

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Issac POV 

"So I guess we weren't invited to your friends funeral? Shame I would have liked to see him with all his limbs attached" said a man clearly from the south. "Names Brodie Steel, if you haven't guessed already I'm a hunter and your next on my hit list" Said the southern man before walking away and out the doors of Pop's. Turning to follow I was stopped by a hand of Fred Andrews on my shoulder. 

"What do you want Andrews?" I asked pissed off. He looked concerned for me for whatever reason but who cares, I need revenge. 

"What did that guy want?" He asked. So he wanted to keep me out of trouble huh good luck with that. 

"Non of your business now if you'll excuse me" I Said looking Andrews in the eye before following the hunter. I looked left and right when I was outside feeling the others join me at either side of me. Seeing the silhouette of the hunter disappear into the woods I decided to follow. "You guys stay here I've got business to take care of"  I saw Cheryl about to protest but flashed her my red eyes and she quietened down. "Go get in the car and go get Alice and FP" I instructed the girls before turning right and walking into the woods. 

It was silent. The animals not making a sound because of the predator that just joined them in their habitat. The anger I radiated warned away a wolfs prey as they hid away from me. The other animals that a wolf wouldn't eat though were hiding from the hunters with their guns that would tear through flesh and kill any animal instantly if the shot entered in the right place. 

"So I see you have a death wish? Maybe one of your little pack mates could've helped you, stopped your death" I heard a voice say like it was all around me. Listening to the wind I heard the snap of the string and the whistle of the arrow slicing through the air. Catching the arrow that was heading straight for my neck my face shifted to show my wolffish features. 

More arrows were shot and I caught most, dodged others and some just missed completely. When the arrows stopped I listened panting quietly hearing the heartbeats of my enemies. Throwing the arrow through the trees I heard a wet thunk as it hit its target hitting the heart killing instantly. Roaring again to show my pack where I was if they came in time I fought as hunters came into the small clearing holding weapons both long and short range. 

Hearing howls follow my own close by I fought as my pack Alice, FP, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni, Jughead, Cheryl and a few others came charging. Cheryl on Jugheads back climbed down and started to fire arrows at those she didn't recognise and hit with a deadly precision. Toni was a she-wolf deadly in her own right before she was even turned and now she embraced her instincts and protected her pack. 

Everyone fought Alice being the flexible ninja wolf that flip over heads snapping necks as she went. FP ripping people to shreds with his sharp claws and deadly fangs. Sweet Pea proves his name wrong and showed how vicious he actually was  and Fangs lives up to his name as he mainly used his fangs to rip throats out and tear people to shreds. Jughead let loose and killed people always doing what they least expected his fighting style much like his personality. 

As we fought we all helped each other to make sure they weren't over run with hunters that kept pouring into the clearing until I caught sight of the infrared version of Peter and Lucy's murderer. Brodie Steel was stood at the edge of the clearing watching his men fall ones by one until he caught sight of my blood marred face as I started to shift into the amber wolf that I've been able to transform into since I was 13 years old but only this sat year started to truely embrace. He ran like the coward he was and instead of chasing him I decided to fight with Alice who was quickly becoming overrun by hunters. 

After all or at least most of the hunters were dead and a few unconscious I shifted back and started pacing angrily. "Issac what the hell was that? Did this group kill Peter?" Asked Alice angry as she stopped me from pacing. 

"Yeah they did and he got away the leader so you guys take care of this I'm hunting him down, alone" I Said to the pack who were all stood around. Alice nodded and started telling people where to pile the bodies to burn them and for Cheryl to grab a shovel since she was the only one who wasn't completely covered in blood. As she said this I shifted back onto a wolf and ran in the direction I saw Steel going in and started follow the bastards scent. 

"You found me I see, I guess we could see this as the last stand" 

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