Chapter 8: Bartholomew

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Jughead POV 

We'd arrived at Thronhill and followed Cheryl to the door who was acting more like herself and was probably going to go change so she looked more like herself as well. We walked into the grand grey brick house to be met with vintage decor and a wooden staircase. 

"Cheryl what are doing home you should be at school?" Questioned Penelope Blossom as she came to see who opened the door and entered her home. 

"Mom Harding knows about werewolves and he's a hunter too" she said to her mother in explaination. Mrs. Blossom looked at us questioning but I just kept a straight face although Harding as usual smirked at her. 

"Well in that case we should talk, follow me Cliffords in the parlour" said Mrs. Blossom so we followed her and so did Cheryl until her mother turned and told her to go change. We followed her whilst Cheryl turned and walked upstairs until we saw Clifford Blossom sat on the couch drinking what looks like whiskey but could be something else. 

"So what's it like being apart of one of THE hunting families?" Questioned Harding slightly cynically his voice hardened as he spoke showing his dislike or even hatred for the Blossom family, I'd have to look into that. He pulled the glass from Cliffords hands and filled it to the brim using the decanter on the coffee table infront of the couch Clifford was sat on. 

"So Issac Harding knows about werewolves, is that how your so good at your job?" Asked Clifford also showing dislike although he didn't have a reason, did he? But maybe it was because Harding stole his drink, probably. 

"Yep most cases I take are supernatural related but most aren't" He said sitting down so I sat next to him on the couch opposite Clifford Blossom and Penelope sat next to her husband. 

"So I'm guessing this development will make the investigation easier" said Clifford as he lent back, proudly? What's Clifford hiding?

"So I'm guessing on the full moon you went hunting!" Asked Harding casually sipping his drink. 

"Yes I managed to kill a blue eyed omega that was migrating east, a tip from other hunting families who he managed to evade" Said Clifford proud of himself that he killed someone, they might not have been innocent but shouldn't he feel some guilt. "I see you've taken a protege under your wing. How's that going?" Said Clifford gesturing in my direction which caused a sudden anger that nearly had me growling but Harding patting my shoulder distracted me. 

"Yep I have and he's doing well, not up to full moon hunting but he's getting there. How about you? Any protégés I should meet?" Asked Harding in mock kindness although I could see the raw hate in his eyes. 

"Well my son Jason was training but as you can see that didn't go too well, now Cheryl is being trained." Explained the eldest Blossom grabbing his wife's hand looking mournful, why didn't I believe him? 

"What happened to Jason then? Cause the day he supposedly died was a full moon, was it not?" Asked Harding, he's going somewhere where I don't know. 

"I told Cheryl a werewolf killed him during his first full moon hunt but truth is I killed Jason. He got turned by a rogue one that we've been hunting since he died that we haven't caught yet, when he started to turned that night whilst he was waiting by the car for Polly I knew what was happening but not that he'd turned so when I saw his eyes turn gold, i shot him" he killed his own son, how could he do that? I was starting to get frustrated with the Blossoms as they've been lying to everyone making people pointy them and feel sorry for them. Look what they put Cheryl through, she lost her twin and they didn't give a damn. 

"Well can't have a werewolf as a werewolf hunter can we, he's just go what's the word..... oh yes rabid" Said Harding cynically standing to leave just as Cheryl came downstairs looking her usual pristine self. "I'll help you hunt this full moon but until then I'll find some way to explain Jason's murder" he said before leaving so I followed him into the car seeing Cheryl in the doorway but Harding drove off before she could shout for us to stop. 

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