Chapter 24: Sorry

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Issac POV 

I'd sat next to Peter for about 2 hours. I texted Murray telling  him to go to Peters family saying he couldn't make it, I didn't tell him why no matter how much he'd asked. Tears ran down my face and they weren't stopping. After I found Peter I got a call from Cheryl saying Lucy was in the same state, their connection made them that way. 


My best friends were dead. My sister and my brother. The only real family I had besides the pack but it was different with the hellhound and banshee, it just was. I was too late to save him and now they were both dead. One of Peters legs across the room and his head on the other with the rest of his body lying in the middle of the room. My phone rang again but I ignored it. Cheryl wanted to know why me and Peter weren't at the hospital or with the pack but I couldn't face them. Not yet. 

Looking at Peters face I wiped the tears I saw there coming from lifeless eyes. I was mostly numb just letting the tears stream down my face in a constant flow not stopping not slowing down. Thinking on memories of Peter and Lucy and that one morbid conversation we'd had which I never thought would be useful. 


"Can I ask you something? And be serious" asked Peter as me, him and Lucy were sat in a motel room just hanging out although I was staying in a different room to the love birds. I nodded my head concentrating or trying to on some case information. "When you die how would you want to be done with your body?" He asked me and me and Lucy stopped what we were doing to look at him, note to self downfall of being a bearer of death is morbid ness. 

"I think I'd want to put on a boat just a small wooden one and be left to drift out at sea" I answered and he nodded whilst playing with the chain he'd had since he was born, a gift from his biological family as a sort of morbid reminder. 

"I'd want to be cremated on a river side and then my ashes thrown into the water" he told us and I saw Lucy frown. "What about you Luce?" He asked his girlfriend of 3 months. I could see the contemplation on her eyes as she thought of what she'd want done with her body when she dies, this is seriously morbid. 

"Same as Petey" she said smiling grimly before going back to brushing her hair that she'd just finished drying. 

"Well let's make a pact, if one of us dies we'll make sure they go out like that" he said and both me and Lucy nodded and we all shook hands, sealing the pact and future of our corpeses. 


I never thought that conversation would be useful. Guess I should be sort of glad we had it but then again I don want to have to think about burning my siblings dead bodies. The world is fucked and I can't wait to leave it. 

"Hello?" A questioning voice asked. I looked to my right, towards the door and saw light coming from underneath. A torch was shining through but I stayed quiet only looking for a long glance before turning to look back at Peters face. I'd memeoried the scent of his killer, the only other scent in the room, a long time ago and was planning my revenge for Peter and for Lucy. 

"Mr. Frankson nobodies here so I have to ask are you sure they came into this house?" I heard someone ask quietly, must have gone to the front door of this damned house. It was Sherriff Keller. Murray must have called him since nobody had emerged for 2 hours. 

"Look a friend of the boys spontaneously died I think they'll probably be hiding so search every nook and cranny of this god foresaken house, now!! Please" he said whispering the last word. I texted Murray where in the house I was so Tom Keller could call someone to collect Peters body. Firstly I had a funeral to plan and secondly I had revenge to enact. 

"Issac?" Questioned Keller from the doorway. He fully opened the door and gasped lightly at the carnage of Peters body. 

"They're both dead" I said more tears forming pouring down heavier than before. This loss these deaths have caused me physical pain, I can't breath not now when I'm not alone. My head became fuzzy and I barely heard voices shouting my name before pain exploded on the side of my face snapping me into reality. I saw Murray holding his hand tears in his eyes whilst Keller phoned someone to come collect the body. 

"Who did this?" Asked Keller when he came off the phone. I could tell by his tone he suspected it could be me but I didn't care, people could think what they wanted of me my brother and sister were dead, nothing else mattered not anymore. 

"I don't know but I plan on finding out, and I plan on killing them. Wheather you like it our not this motherfucker I'd going to die" I Said standing and walking outside. I saw a car pull up and saw Veronica and her parents step out. Some more cars pulled up as well as an ambulance and the paramedics went to collect the body. I looked at the cars and saw Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea. Jughead, FP, Alice, Betty, Archie, Cheryl. Everyone who knew Peter anyone who cared showed up. I didn't talk to them I just grabbed the wrench from the trunk of the Camaro before walking back to the front of the car. Peters car, it belonged to him I'd given it to him as a sort of celebratory gift since he'd finally gotten a family besides Lucy that deserved him that he deserved. 

He didn't need a car anymore. Bringing the wrench down on the car I screamed out my grief slamming it down again and again until the front was nearly destroyed beyond repair. I dropped the wrench when they brought the body out. I walked over to it pushing people who tried to stop me out of my way. Stopping the cart it was on I opened up the body bag. 

Seeing the silver I grabbed his cross chain from his neck which the medics must have put back on him and removed the leather wristband from his left wrist. Once removed I walked away and into the woods. 

Time to find the perfect burial spot. 

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