Chapter 30: I'll Be Good

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Jughead POV 

"Today we are gathered for the funeral of Issac Harding mere days after the funeral of his 2 closest friends Peter and Lucy. For me Issac simultaneously saved and destroyed my life, he had that affect on people. He'd cause you so many problems you just wish you never met him to begin with but then you think about what life would be without Issac in it and it seems like the dullest thing ever. Issac when he lived he lives with all his heart, yeah he didn't have anything outside of familial love but for Issac that was okay because he had pack and friends what more did he need other than people who stuck beside him day by day no matter what stupid shinanagons he got himself into because we would I'm sure all of us would have don't anything Isaac  asked us to. I may not be Alpha of this pack but I know what it's like to lead people since Issac wasn't always here and let me tell you he didn't a great job wrangling all of us into the pack we are today, so he may not have children but we are, this pack is Issac Hardings legacy" said Alice as the opening speech of the beach funeral. 

Next my father stood to give his speech, not everyone was giving speeches today only me, Alice and my dad. "Issac was like mistletoe a poison and a cure. He could cause you so many problems like Alice said but he could also save you from others or yourself. With me I was going down the root of drugs and typical gang related stuff and one day just over a year ago this kid walks into the Whyte Wyrm and walks to the bar like he owned the place. I went up to him probably to threaten him away from trouble burn he just smirked at me and pushed a shot my way before saying 'look mate I know your gonna sauce your gonna get into trouble but let me tell you no matter what trouble your in I can guarantee since you walked over here it's just gonna get worse' and worse it did get. I wasn't fighting washed up drug dealers for cash I was fighting rofessionally trained hunters so they'd leave our territory alone. Issac the danger magnet he is thrived in that sort of situation, life and death. He wasn't scared he didn't think he had anything to lose. He was a care free go happy teenager who was more of a kid than a 5 year old but he was a genius, his mind would come up with different solutions that I wouldn't dream of and he didn't hold back much like Veronica in that department and I know that if we just live life how we want that he'll be proud cause that's all Issac would want, us to survive"

Everyone clapped at their second in command as he sat down in his chair in the front row on the small beach. When I stood everyone was confused expecting the alpha to speak, they didn't know that was me. "I'm guessing most are wondering why a newer wolf isn't alpha and I can't answer that I'm just as confused about being alpha as you are but some how this is what Issac would have wanted or so Veronica our new banshee tells us. Issac changed my life it did a complete 180, it wasn't bad my life but now it's great it better and I have him to thank for that. I have Cheryl my girlfriend and Veronica and the three amigos as my best friends instead of being then emo kid who people only knew because of Archie's Andrews. Issac was a wild card you never knew what he was gonna do next but he may seem laid back and yeah he was but every move he made was always carefully evaluated for whether it would benefit the pack or not, I'm going to do that too cause Issac left me as alpha for a reason so I'm going to be the best alpha I can, gotta make Issac proud" people clapped as I sat down and Alice once again stood. She motioned for Cheryl, Veronica and Toni to help her arrange the flowers properly as we prepared to lay Issac to rest. 

"You did good kid your gonna make him proud" Said my dad patting my shoulder as the three girls sat down and I joined Alice and my dad by the boat which  was laying on the sand. Cheryl joined us at the back with FP whilst me and Alice were at the front and we lifted the small boat a little before crouching and placing it on our shoulders as level as we could get it. Everyone who attended was dressed in beach wear so it was easy for us to walk into the cold water as everyone walked to the shore line. I saw a car pull over as Betty, Archie and Kevin stepped out as I texted them to come here to see the ending of the funeral, trying to be a good alpha. When the bottom of the boat was in the water we lowered ourselves a little so it was fully resting in the water before steeping back and watching as my dad turned on the motor whichever would help it get out to sea. 

Watching the boat speed away was hard as I brought Cheryl into my arms. "Hes Okay right?" Asked Cheryl  in a quiet voice. 

"Yeah, I'm sure he's just fine catching up with Lucy and Peter somewhere" 

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