Chapter 21: Hear Me

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Issac POV 

"I'm sorry!! Please!! Please don't kill me!!" Was screamed from the room down the hall. The screaming had been going on non stop for about 2 hours. I was there for about 30 minutes but then I left the rest to Peter. I relished in the screamsof my latest victim. 

Penny Peabody. Infamous for killing supernatural creatures for her own gain. Allies with hunters to keep herself protected and away from vengeful creatures, the hunters don't know she's a wolf probably never will as she isn't leaving her office today, she never will again. 

The fire alarm went off as the screaming stopped and I exited the building calmly as others rushed to escape the quickly approaching fire. I was outside, waiting, watching as the building burned whilst grabbing spare sweatpants and shirt for Peter when he finally emerged from the flames he'd caused. I held his Guns & Roses hoody in my hand as well as his chain and leather wrist band. The chain is something he'd had since infanthood, a parting gift from his birth parents so to say and they wristband was a gift from me. 

I'd given each member of my pack something, out of kindness and because we weren't some military unit we were family by choice which sometimes is all you need. I'd given Peter the leather wrist band which had an anchor on it, Lucy a heart necklace as when we'd met she thought she was a heartless monster as what normal person senses death I gave her that to show she does have a heart just it's harder than most as she's important and she needs to stay strong. The others were given Serpent jackets except FP I gave him my old motorbike than I'd just finished fixing up. 

"Issac thanks for letting me do that ma" said Peter as he exited the building of flames that honestly looked better now than it did before. He'd just taken the clothes from me when the first of the ceiling in the building collapsed. "She told me what she was planning you know" he said pausing with only his jeans and boots on holding his hoodie in his hands the only thing on his upper half being his cross chain and his leather wristband. "She was going to get me mad, so mad that I lost control completely so I'd kill Lucy and go crazy and kill the rest of you and whilst you were grieving she was going to slit your throat" he said and I could hear the emotion chopping his words up making his ending words nothing more than a whisper. 

"It's alright man, Lucy is fine, I'm fine and so is everybody else. She can't hurt us anymore" I told him and he nodded as I patted his shoulder. "Now finish getting dressed we have to get to The Whyte Wyrm" I Said and he nodded rounding the car whilst putting his hoodie on. We got into the car and sped away. 

Away from the burning building, away from Peabody and away from the smell of her burning flesh. 


Lucy POV 

"Should we be worried?" Asked Veronica as we all made our way to The Whyte Wyrm. Those from the north side (Archie, Veronica, Betty and Kevin) were worried about how the Serpents would react to them where as the members of the pack that were present was reassuring them. "Anyway I have somewhere to be at about 6 pm so I'll need a ride" Said Beronica when nobody answered her. Alice had picked us up in the car I remember seeing Issac buy awhile back. A red pickup truck with enough room for three in the front and the rest would have to go in the back, the wind blowing through their hair as we all sat huddled, it was great. 

"Me and Peter are going to Pop's around that time so we can give you a ride home if you want?" I offered the girl and she nodded smiling gratefully. Smiling back as the truck parked I stood grabbing the bag I'd packed for Peter for a few days until he got the rest of his things to take to his parents house. We'd pulled up at the same time a Black Camaro did that was blasting rock music, Issac and Peter have arrived. 

Seeing them both okay brought tears to my eyes. Besides Alice they were all I had, well before anyway, I thought when they didn't come back to get me when they left to confront Peabody they were going to get hurt or worse die. Running over as they exited the car I jumped up at Peter, him catching me easily. Now mates don't exist, Issac wouldn't be such a man-whore otherwise, but me and Issac we were as close as you could get. A banshee and her Hellhound. A connection forged in the pits of hell where death lives to come to the living world and love how they want to but aren't aloud to in hell. 

"Your okay, your okay. She can't hurt you, I killed her, I burned her" I heard Peter muttering reassurances into my hair as he held me feeling a dampness that I wasn't use to as it had only happened about 2 times since we'd met. I hugged tighter knowing he needed reassurance. Muttering sweet nothings into his hair as he lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his waist so he could put his face into the joint of my neck and shoulder. 

"Hey everything's okay." I Said pulling my upper body away from Peter. Tears shining in his eyes that held all the wonder of a child and the love that usually only exists in movies. Smiling I wiped his face kissing his lightly. "Let's go inside, get some drinks" I Said and he nodded his head moving me to his side but not setting me down, so he could walk whilst being able to see where he was going. 

"Hey who's that girl Issac's talking to?" And the man-sluts back. 

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