Chapter 23: Pain

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Peter POV 

So me and Murray just dropped Veronica off and we were driving to Pop's. I was driving Issac's old Camaro which he'd given to me, why? I don't know, he just did. I was listening to I only lie when I love you by Royal Blood. As we were driving I heard Murray's phone chime meaning he'd gotten a text. As he sat reading the text I sat drumming my fingers on the steering wheel impatiently waiting to see if it was my birth family. 

"We need to go to this address they want to meet somewhere less public" said Murray putting his phone away to put an address into the cars sat-nav. Driving a little faster, just cause I could, we made it to the new address in about 10 minutes as it wasn't that far from Pop's and close to where we were. Pulling up to the house I slowed the car looking at where we were with a raised eyebrow. An old clearly abandoned building stood infront of us with a slight green tinge due to the mold growing on the wooden house. 

Getting out of the car me and Murray just stood on the pavement looking at the building with confusion. "Stay here I'm going to  heck things out this seems too shady" I told Murray and he nodded pulling his phone from his pocket probably to make sure he had the right place. "I'm not out in 15 minutes call Issac" I instructed before leaving. Murray stayed quiet as I stoicly walked up the driveway to the front door not bothering to knock just pushing the cracked dirt open. 

Hearing heart bead I followed the sound wearily, tense anticipating an attack and not wanting to be off guard. Looking into the room I heard the people from I heard giggles and the clank of bottles and the pungent smell of weed filled my senses. Stepping into the room I saw people lazing around in all states of drunk and or high. 

"Everyone out of here!! This is private property!!" I shouted at the druggies/alcoholics to get them to leave which thankfully they did. When they'd all gone I continued my search of the house. Seeing nothing that would raise alarm besides the lone heartbeat that still remained probably from a drunk that passed out when wondering off. Following the steady sound that slowly sped up the closer I got I slowed my pace until I was completely still. Where the hell was this person? If my hearing was right (which it was) I should be stood right next to them. 



Issac POV 

"Murray what do you mean he went into a shady house alone and now it's been 15 minutes and he hasn't answered his phone or comeback out?" I questioned Murray as I ran through the woods to get to the address that Murray had said he and Peter were at. I decided to question why they weren't at Pop's when I got there instead focusing on trying to figure out the problem. 

"Well He said before he went inside to call you should he go in and not come out after 15 minutes. A lot of people I.E alcoholics and or druggies came out about 10 minutes ago but no sign of Peter" he told me and I decided to hang up and talk to him when I got there. I ran out of the forest and put the skateboard that was in my hands to the floor and started skating as fast as I could go. Weaving around potholes and cars I made it to the house 30 minutes after Peter went inside. The house was in the other side of town to be fair. 

Seeing Murray stood pacing I skated over and stopped next to him. Smelling the air I smelt so much alcohol and drugs that it overpowered everything else I would have smelt. "Take this I'll go check things out" I told Murray and he nodded as I handed him my skateboard. Walking inside I walked upstairs first deciding to do the opposite of what people would think, why? Because it's me and I'm awkward. 

"Petey, Spidey, Hey yo Porter!!" I shouted through the house but no answer. Checking all the top floor and not seeing anything suspicious I made my way back downstairs. Looking around I found the drug den and moved into the kitchen. Looking at the floor I saw a puddle of a dark liquid. Moving slowly towards the substance fear filling me as I got closer and my senses managed to block out the drugs and I started to smell something metallic, blood. 

Dipping my fingers into the red liquid I brought it closer to my nose to try identify who's it was I froze. No no no no no. Moving to the pantry which seemed to be the size of a small room I opened the door. 

Only to collapse at the sight before me. "Peter!! Peter!! Nooooo!!!" 


Veronica POV 

I was sat in Pop's awaiting the arrival of my older brother. I was sat opposite my mother and father who had shown up yesterday but I hadn't mentioned it to my friends yet. Seeing my parents impatient faces I decided to order us some milkshakes whilst we waited. 

"Hey Pop's can I get a strawberry milkshake, a banana milkshake and a chocolate one please" I asked walking up to the bar, smiling at Pop's cause this was a good day it couldn't possibly turn bad. I thanked Pops and moved back over to the table. "What do you think he's like?" I asked my parents when I sat back down. I saw my dad smile one of those rare smiles for anyone really and smiled back. 

"Well as a baby he looked more like me sharper features, a Lodge man through and through." He said and I smiled. "I hope he doesn't hate us because of what I've done but if he does I'm sure we can manage to fix things eventually, we are family after all" he smiled and I smiled back seeing my mum smile although trying to hide it. She was happy we were getting along. 

"What's he called do you have a name?" I asked and my mother nodded her head. I sat up a little straighter in anticipation, this was my brothers identity here people. 

"Peter Porter" 

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