Chapter 26: Two Ghosts

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Jughead POV 

2 days after the attack on the trailer park, or more specifically mine and my dads trailer, and it was Peter and Lucy's funeral. Since getting back from where ever he'd gone to or gone to find Issac had been planning the funeral non-stop. He's gotten chairs, flowers, guest list no matter how small. Everyone let him do it, although hesitant at first even the Lodges finally caved and allowed their late sons best friend, his brother, plan his funeral. I was at Thornhill with Cheryl and Veronica who were getting themselves dressed ready for this painful day in the sunny weather. As requested by Issac nobody was wearing full black and casual clothes only. 

"You ready Juggy?" Asked Cheryl when her and Veronica had finished adding the finishing touches to their makeup or outfit. Nodding my head I grabbed Cheryl's hand and we walked outside followed closely by Veronica who held her head high bravely facing the world after her own tragic loss. Not many people knew or cared for Peter but those who did have suffered immensely after his death which is still an ongoing investigation, one that Issac won't allow me to help with no matter how much I plead. 

After a silence filled drive in Cheryl's red car we pulled up to sweet water river where the funeral was being held. Few people milled around most I recognised since this was a pack and family funeral and kept to a minimum. I saw Issac talking with Alice and my dad so I headed over with Cheryl quick to follow behind me. I saw Veronica head over to her parents and let her since they'd all suffered a tragedy. 

"No Betty and Archie aren't coming they didn't even like Peter or Lucy" said Issac when I heard Alice talking about Betty asking where she was going when she left this morning. Archie and Betty hadn't known Peter or Lucy and only met them on their second day at school well Betty had been living with them but they hadn't spoken more than a greeting in passing. 

"Let's get moving to the site shall we?" Asked FP. Everyone followed a Issac led the march into the woods to where Lucy and Peters bodies were and a some chairs for some to sit on. The Lofges sat down as did my dad, Alice, me, Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni. The rest of the pack had gone for a run which was a new tradition started for the pack at Issac's request as we would all howl when the ashes were scattered in rememberance of a fallen packmate. 

"Why aren't we at a graveyard for the funeral? Surely it would be more practical?" Question Hiram Lodge. I looked at Issac who was standing next to the single coffin which contained both Lucy and Peters bodies. A simple design made from wood and wolfsbane flowers covering most of the top area. 

"It would but this is what they wanted" said Issac in a pissed off tone. "Why don't we start by all saying words that shows Lucy and Peter as we want them to be remembered and how they last were" said Issac and when nobody spoke I stood drawing in peoples attention. 

"Lucy was well Lucy. She didn't care what anyone thought of her and she did things how she wanted and didn't give a damn if it was seen as taboo or not. She lived life for the fullest and when Peter came she didn't need to try get people to like her and change herself because screw what people thought all she needed in life was Peter and all Peter needed was her. Peter he was a ball of energy like a puppy and no matter what anyone said or did he always stuck by them if he swore to do so, he was loyal and pack and he or Lucy won't be forgotten." I Said and grabbed one of the flowers (red roses Lucy's favourite) and placed it on top of the wolfsbane. 

"When I first met Peter we talked about how he looked like my dad, we didn't know at the time but turns out he did have his genes, anyway I Said he looked like my dad so much so that he could have been my brother and I told him that I always wanted one and he said he would be that for me and he was but now he can't because he's gone but I'll always hold onto his memory and cherish it" Said Veronica. I could tell she wanted to say something about Lucy but she was too emotional to get the words out so she placed a flower on the coffin. 

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