Chapter 22: Ready, Aim, Fire

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Issac POV 

When I walked into the Whyte Wyrm, leaving Lucy and Peter to it, I walked straight to the bar and the women I saw that didn't belong here. Seeing her from across the bar deciding to scope her out first I saw she was tanned with brown hair and brown eyes, pretty boring really. She seemed like an agent due to her formal clothes you'd usually see them wearing. Seeing all I needed with only a few quick glances I headed just as the male bartender, Anthony, headed over. Anthony was a wolf and had piercings and tattoos, very emo that guy. 

"Just a coke please" I heard the lady sayand decided that I would now make my presence known. 

"How about a vodka and coke? Where's the fun in sober ness?" I Said heading over. I saw Anthony nod his head and reach for a glass pouring in the bevarges I mentioned. Me and the agent lady stared each other down until she caved and turned to see Anthony handing her her drink. So intimidating isn't in her skill list, good to note. "On the house" I Said as she reached into her purse for some cash. Anthony nodded and moved on to serve someone else. 

"My names Maria Nightly" she said holding out a badge she must have pulled out at the same time she reached for cash. CIA wonder why she's in this small ass town? Looking her in the eye not bothering to look at her badge more than a glance. She started fidgeting as I continued to look into her boring brown eyes with a level of curiousity and indifference. "Your Issac Harding?" She said although she phrased it like a question. 

"Maybe who's asking?" I Said sipping the drink I'd 'bought' her. Truth is I owned 50% of the Whyte Wyrm. She looked confused as her eyebrows furrowed before she straightened her face out trying to play it cool, I could smell her fear and nerves. 

"I work for the CIA and I'm here on behalf of my boss who wishes to offer you a job" she said with 'conviction'. Staring her down unamused I assessed the women. An air of shaky confidence surrounded her, usually in this type of situation she's have nerves of steel but I make her uncomfortable. She was completely comfortable before I arrived next to her so it wasn't the environment that made her nervous. 

"I don't work well with others. Only exception being my best friend and his girlfriend and they're both like siblings to me, also there is everyone in this room except you so I'm just going to have to decline" I Said again taking a sip. I Said this with an indifferent tone although I was pissed that she came to my turf and I could see in her eyes, she was going to threaten me into agreeing. 

"Well maybe you should reconsider" she told me sliding a file over to me. Looking in the file I saw 2 pictures. Two males both unfamiliar to me. 

"And they are what? Leverage, information, hitmen? Come on give me hint" I Said with fake excitement in my voice. Seeing her pale in guessing I most likely killed them, and now they do seem familiar. "Ahhh I know my first kills, 2 of the FBI most wanted" I Said snapping my fingers when I remembered where I'd seen thence and why she'd try use them against me. 

"I could have you prosecuted and put on death row for this unless you agree to work with us" she said as a last resort, snorting a little before I became deadly serious. My eyes held a rage that had fear rolling off her in gallons, otherwise I had no emotion on my stoney face. 

"Listen And Listen Well. Killing those men did you a favour so you should thank me, secondly do you actually think death scares me? My best friends death were old pals and if you or any of your colleagues come here again maybe I could introduce you" I Said threatening her before walking away. I heard her grab her things in a hurry and quickly speed out of this 'respectful' establishment. 

"What did she want?" Asked Peter as I walked over to him. He was grabbing his jacket readying himself to go meet his birth family. 

"We can talk about that's later. Good luck with this man" I Said and he nodded and we bro-hugged, our silent way of showing we were family that we loved each other and will look out for each other. 

"Thanks man" he said pulling away as Murray came over to tell Peter it was time to go. I saw him walk away and felt a pit in my stomach but pushed it away, he was only going to Pop's he'd be fine. He walked over to Veronica probably saying they had to go as he was giving her a ride home. Walking towards the door to meet him I stopped him, handing him my Camaro keys patting his shoulder, my cars now his. "Thanks Issac Harding" he said before leaving the Whyte Wyrm. 

"He's gonna be okay, he's just meeting his birth family" Said Jughead as he came over. Nodding I wrapped m arm over Jugheads shoulder as we Joined Cheryl, Betty, Archie, FP, Alice and Lucy by one of the pool tables and we talked and talked for a few hours until Murray called asking me to meet him and Peter at an address that definitely wasn't Pop's. 

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