Chapter 11: Riptide

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Veronica POV 

When Betty said about thinking Harding tried to kill me it started to make sense. He came here to solve Jason's murder but he already knew the Serpents, he killed Jason. 

"So he must have killed Jason as well?" I Said although it sounded more like a question. I heard Archie gasp like he realised something. 

"Guys hes at Betty's house" he said and we all shared a look which conveyed our fear, determination and courage before we all stood and ran. As we were leaving Archie grabbed a badeball bat that was by the door hanging it to me as I was closer. We made our way round but as we got there crashing noises were heard from the house making us all pause before we ran again only this time doubling our speed. 

We walked silently into Betty's house and moved around not seeing anyone in the living room and we made our way to the kitchen when the voices started shouting. 

"I don't care my parents lied to me about Jason about our family history and now I've got an older brother who they drowned the day he was born!!" Shouted Cheryl and we all stopped in our tracks, Cheryl had another brother? 

"I'm sorry I was the one who had to tell you but it's not like your parents can their dead" Said a voice which at first I didn't recognise but then I remembered it, Harding. At remembering this I charged into the kitchen and got Harding over the head with the baseball bat and he collapsed to the ground unconscious. 

"What the hell V?" Shouted Jughead as he and some I didn't know bent down to check on him. As they rolled him into his back Betty and Archie came into the room. 

"He tried to kill Veronica and he killed Jason how can you defend him Jug?" Questioned Betty incredulously and everyone in the room glared daggers at us, what did we do wrong? 

"He's been here since we came back. He's had food poisoning the last few days" Said FP in a disapproving tone sending an accusatory glance at Cheryl. 

"I told him I couldn't cook" defended Cheryl as Alice Cooper slapped Harding and he sprung awake. 

"I'm up don't shoot" he sad raising his hands sleepily before he scanned the room properly and saw us all sending us a sheepish grin. "So what did I miss since I was knocked unconscious via baseball bat?" He asked and I just sent him a glare, how dare he act innocent. 

"Well we told them you had food poisoning cursity of Cheryl after they accused you of killing Jason and that he tried to kill Veronica earlier" said a teenager who was wearing a serpent jacket, urghh. I was about to respond but a knock at the door cut me off. I looked at Harding as if he was the one Interupting  me when I caught sight of his chest through his open shirt that I remember seeing Betty's dad wear. He had a burn mark on his chest that looked old but like it was a still healing scar, pink and blotchy. It was the Blossom family crest. 

"Hi I'm looking for Issac Harding I was told I might find him here" Said the Sheriff from the doorway and I heard Alice open the door further inviting Sheriff Keller in as well as about 2 deputies. 

"Mr. Harding how's your case going?" Asked Keller when he walked into the room and looked at us all. 

"Good I was going to give you evidence about the killer, a video of the killing shot actually bit the killers died earlier in a car accident leaving poor Cheryl an Orphan" he said an We all looked at Cheryl in shock, she's lost everyone. I was about to go comfort her and I could tell Betty was as well when she said something that made us freeze.

"Good they deserve to go to hell. They've murdered 2 of my brothers now." 


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