Chapter 25: Demons

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Veronica POV 

I sat numbly. 2 days ago my world collapsed around me. My brother died and yeah I didn't know he was my brother until it was too late but he was my big brother and now he was gone. I'd been staying with Jughead who had become good friends with Peter since he'd been here. FP was out looking for Issac and so far hadn't had any luck. 

Issac had disappeared after he'd gotten something's from Peters body, I didn't know what he'd grabbed but it must have been important. Me and Cheryl were cuddled on the couch whilst Jughead made some (ordered) food. We were watching a comedy by suggestion of Archie who was over earlier. 

"So I have a question?" I began talking to Cheryl who had all her focus on the screen infront of her. She looked over raising her eyebrow slightly as a sign to ask away. "What's going on between you and Jughead?" I asked and the red headed girl turned to look at me her mouth gapingcas she tried to come up with denials. 

"Okay fine" Suspicions confirmed. "Well since Issac found out who killed JJ we'd gotten close he helped me deal with some stuff and now I guess I like him like him but o don't think he feels the same" she said disappointed and I chuckled making her look at me questioningly. They were both headover heels for each other not that I was going to tell her that, I'm sure she can figure it out herself. 

"Pizza cut into slices by yours truely" Said Jughead as he joined us on the couch again. Instantly reaching forward me and Cheryl both grabbed a slice. "Gotta love Paul Blart" 


We'd watched films all afternoon until only I was awake. Jug and Cher were cuddled on the couch and I decided to lock up the trailer. FP has come back a few hours ago announcing he wasn't going to be home tonight and he seemed to criptically warn Jughead to stay calm like there was a hidden message. I'd turned all the lights out and was going to Jugheads room cause why not occupy an empty bed when the door bust open the locks breaking. 

It was the thing that had haunted me since the night we found out that Issac was 17. Red eyes. 



Walking through the woods on a full moon, not how I imagined spending my night 2 days after 2 packmates died. Yet here I am looking for an asshole of an alpha that's left again. 

"I think this is the perfect spot how bout you FP?" Asked  voice from my right. Turning my head towards the river I saw Issac laying on the rocks riverside. The same place they found Cheryl after the boat 'collapsed'. 

"Perfect for what?" I asked coming into the clearing. Seeing a naked Issac I knew he'd gone full wolf at some point. Seeing Peters chain and wristband I knew he'd  still retained some of his humanity during that period. I knew he'd want Lucy's things as well so I grabbed them from my pocket. Alice had given her necklace to me once she'd been given all of Lucy's things. 

"The funeral" He said and I looked around trying to imagine this place during the day. 

"Yeah would be good with sunny weather or bad weather" I said sitting next to him placing Lucy's necklace on his chest. "Everyone's worried about you so why don't you put these jeans on, Sorry you'll have to commando, and come back to the trailer park with me?" I asked the grieving boy, cause that's what he was a boy. He nodded grabbing the jeans from my hands and putting them on. He grabbed Peters chain and wristband and Lucy's necklace putting them in his pockets before he stood and we started walking through the woods. 

"They want to be cremated riverside and then their ashes scattered into the river" Issac said after about 10 minutes of walking in silence. "We told each other what we'd want doing with our bodies one time and made a pact to do just that. I never thought it would be useful to me always thought Peter and Lucy would send my body out to sea like I asked them to" He said and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Put on a boat without anything on it just me and then left to sail the sea until my body rots away" he said and I nodded. 

"So what's happening between Jughead and Cheryl?" He asked and I had to laugh. Course he would notice 2 people refusing to love each other even though he doesn't believe in love. "Okay was I know that expression and yeah I believe in love I mean being around Peter and Lucy taught me that but I'm just not capable of it myself" he protested at seeing my amused face. 

I was about to reply when a piercing scream came from the trailer park which we'd just entered from the hole in the fence. The screamed sounded all around us followed by a roar, an alphas roar. Sifting into my beta form me and Issac ran towards the scream and I saw we were heading towards my trailer and I ran faster remembering the three teens I left there. Issac barrelled in first knocking the alpha to the floor as they clawed and bit at each other. I saw Jughead herding Cheryl and Veronica outside and I moved outside as well, safer for everyone's not to get involved in the middle of 2 alphas. 

"What the hell is that thing?!!" Screamed Veronica as we ran away from the trailer to get away from the fight. 

"I don't know" Said Cheryl giving me and Juggy a pointed look to which we nodded pretending to look confused. We waited for the growls to stop waiting around the corner of another trailer and when everything went quiet I motioned for Jughead to follow me and the girls to stay. 

"Iss, you Alright?" I asked the trembling teen who was stood over the mutilated body of the alpha who I recognised as the new guy who wanted to be a Serpent. He had blood covering the majority of his body mostly from where it ran from his mouth. The pain and anger behind his eyes were strong, stronger than I'd ever seen from Well anyone. 

"He'd been working with Peters murderer I could smell it all over him. He's the one that had been attacking people and trying to turn them but they all died. He's the one that poisoned me with wolfsbane." He said and walked away from the body into the trailer as the girls rounded a corner to see the mutilated body and trashed yard. 

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