Chapter 5: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

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Archie POV 

After Harding had pulled Jughead away I ran down the hall to the canteen to find the others. I saw Veronica, Betty and Kevin sat at a table all talking over textbooks, probably about the up coming biology exam. I quickly dashed to the table pushing past people who were going towards their own tables. 

"Guys, Guys, Guys you'll never guess what?" I Said in shock as I ran into the table ignoring the pain in my hip. I quickly sat down next to Kevin opposite Betty who was sat next to Veronica. They all looked at ne confused for a minute so I just decided to tell them. "I saw Jughead with that Harding guy and he said and I quote 'We're busy you can talk later'" I Said looking at them expectantly. They all looked confused for a minute before Betty seemed to realise what I was talking about. 

"They private detective? Why?" She said so I shrugged having no idea why Jughead was with him. It didn't make sense, he interegates us all and then decides that Jughead is now his little helper, why? 

"How many conversations have they had?" Asked V probably thinking along the same lines as me. All of us just shook our heads unsure if they had any after the interrogation. Just as I was about to mention his conversation with Cheryl earlier said person came over. 

"So I hear Jugheads moves up in the world. My source a.k.a Reggie told me that Jughead and Harding interegates him earlier about his drug supplier, why was Jughead with Harding?" She said in a classic bitchy tone not bothering to even try with false kindness. 

"Look we don't know either non of us have had any classes with Juggy except Archie this morning it he was taken out so we don't know" Said Betty trying to calm Cheryl who seemed royally pissed off. She glared at Betty (who she seemed to dislike most anyway) for talking and looked at me expectantly. 

"Look I don't know either Cheryl. Jughead seemed twitchy this morning but I didn't think anything of it" I told her. She rolled her eyes and walked away probably to try find out more from someone else. 

"Well I wanna know what's going on with Jughead So how about we tell him to meet us at Pop's after school" said Kevin so we all nodded and momentarily put Jughead to the back of our minds to focus on studying for Biology. 


Issac POV 

I decided to make a pit stop before we visited Clifford. To the Whyte Wyrm we go. I was driving the Camaro that I had stored in Riverdale for when I visited my pack, Jet Black. I was driving singing  to the radio that was playing Ain't No Rest For The Wicked by Cage the Elephants. 

"I'm pretty sure this isn't the way to Thronhill" Said Jughead confused although he was trying to hide it, idiot I can literally smell his emotions. I heard his phone beep and saw him shift to get his phone from his pocket. He opened it and he music of gotten a text as he began to type. "Everyone wants to see me after schools out at Pop's" he said so I nodded my headed as Sweet home Alabama came on. 

"I'll give you a ride" I Said so he nodded his head before going back to staring out the window. A few minutes later we pulled up to the Whyte Wyrm. We both got out and headed inside. I walked in and was greeted by some of my pack members, Jack and Rosie. We sad hi as I walked past heading in search of my second, FP. "FP my man what's happening?" I Said as I approached FP. He was talking to some of the older Serpents who weren't wolves but still pack. They nodded in greeting so I nodded back as FP handed me 2 shots, downing both I looked questioning at FP at his weird expression. 

"Go change you look weird in work clothes" he said so we laughed at him so I nodded starting to head upstairs where I had some spare clothes but turned shouting to FP.

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