Chapter 17: Psycho Killer

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Veronica POV 

Me and my mother were preparing everything for when my father got back. We had a family meal planned but Betty called saying she needed help so I had to bail. Instead of talking to my mother I decided to just sneak out and since my mother had to go answer the phone I'm guessing she won't notice. 

I made my way to Pop's getting a taxi as it was quicker and I was in a rush since Betty seemed desperate when she was on the phone. When I was on my way Archie phoned and I answered straight away wondering if Betty had called him too. "Hey Arch did Betty call you as well?" I asked him concerned about Betty and what she's most likely gotten herself into. 

"Yeah she seemed panicked you know what's up?" He asked sounding out of breath meaning he was probably running to Pop's. 

"No I don't know, I just hope it's nothing serious" I Said to him before we both hung up. I arrived at Pop's and paid the taxi driver before making my way inside. When I got inside I saw Betty sat at the bar waiting nervously and I walked towards her laying a hand on her shoulder. "Hey B you okay?" I asked and felt someone come up behind me and turned my head to see a concerned Archie looking over my shoulder at Betty. 

"We need to find Issac" she said hurriedly and walked away towards the exit before me and Archie could reply. Why would she need to find Issac? She hates him. 

"Why?" Asked me and Archie at the same time as we followed her outside. I saw we were heading towards the woods and grew nervous and confused, not strange at all. Betty grabbed a torch from her jacket pocket and handed it to me and she pulled out another and turned it on. 

"Hes in trouble and apparently needs Ethel" she said and we started looking. We were looking for 10 minutes and I was starting to think we'd been pranked when we heard grunting and moaning. "Issac?!!" Shouted Betty and started running in the direction we'd heard the noises from. We all ran Archie overtaking Betty as we headed quickly to the pained noises that sounded human. 

We came to the right area and I saw Archie kneel next to a body shaking it. It made pained sounds and whispered something too quiet for me to hear but I'm guessing Archie did. As I moved closer I grew more horrified by what I saw. Misty eyes on pale, sweaty skin blue lips surrounded by a blood substance like it had been thrown up. More of the black substance covered the black vest he was wearing as you could see the by the slight shine. He looked like he was dying. 

"We need to get him to a hospital" I said pulling out maybe phone as me and Betty kneel on his other side. Although I kind of hated him I wouldn't want Issac to die. As I pulled out my phone to call an ambulance I felt a cold dead hand grab my wrist making me scream and drop my phone. I looked and saw Issac staring at me with misty eyes. 

"No hospital, Ethel" he said sounding pained like he was dying, he probably was. I nodded and motioned for Archie to pick him up and he did and we made our way out of the forest. As we emerged I saw Betty run past Archie and head to a car I recognised as her moms which she must have used to get here. She opened the back drivers side door and Archie got in the drivers seat after putting Issac in the back where Betty sat with him as I got into the passenger seat. We sped away and Archie broke every traffic law there was as we drove to the hospital. 

When we arrived Archie pulled Issac from the back seat and carried him inside as he was yet again unconscious as me and Betty ran ahead screaming for help when we got into the building. Nurses stopped what they were doing when we shouted and came running over with a bed that Archie laid Issac on but before he was wheeled away I heard the doctor mutter something hat I'm sure would stay with me for a long time. "Oh dear God not another one". 

"Someone call my mom I'm going to try find something out" Said Betty before she walked away towards the desk after we'd been waiting for half an hour. I just sat dazed in thoughts of what the doctor said before when Archie shook my shoulder breaking me from my deep musing. 

"V you Alright? You hear what I Said?" Asked Archie and I shook my head. 

"I'm fine but please repeat what you said again, please?" I asked him and he sighed worried but didn't push for answers. 

"I left my phone in Betty's moms car could you use yours to phone Mrs. Cooper?" Asked Archie and I nodded but before I hit call I decided to talk to Archie about what I heard the doctor say. 

"Archie I'm worried" I stayed and he looked at me confused so I elaborated. "When the doctor saw Issac I heard him say 'oh dear god not another one' what could that mean?" I asked sitting back down in my previously occupied chair as Archie looked worried. 

"That whatever made him like that has done it to others. That maybe there's another killer in Riverdale" he said and I knew he was right. The devil has returned in another form and is back for revenge. 

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