~Chapter 1~

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Y/N - your name

I'll add more as the story progresses ;))


Your P.O.V

"THE LITTLE GIRL HAD TOO MUCH SPAGHETTI!!" The photographer face palmed himself.

"okay, everybody.. take a break! be back in 10 minutes." he said as he placed his camera down.

"great job, (Y/N)! My assistant, Haley, said handing me a bottle of cold water. (If you are named Haley feel free to changer her name ;)) as a bunch of the crew surrounded me fixing my hair and reapplying some make up. 

"Nah, I've done better... but thanks though!" I said as I took a sip of some water. 

"(Y/N)..." A voice called out to me as I felt a hand on my right shoulder. I turned around and it was my mum.

"Mum! What are you doing here?!" I said smiling eye to eye as I gave her a big ole' hug. She rarely visits me on photo shoots cause of her busy schedule.

"Just checking on my favorite daughter." She said as she laid a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm your only daughter, mum." I said rolling my eyes cheekily at her.

"What does Father want?" She looked down.

"I think it's better if the news comes from him" I felt shivers go down my spine... Something feels off... Really off.

"Okay, everybody back on set!" The photographer said.

"This will be over soon, mum... I'll get back to you." I said starting to head off to finish my shoot.

"No need. I'll talk to your photographer for a reschedule." She turned to Haley and sternly asked her to bring me immediately to the car.

"No really mum, we're almost do-" she cut me off. 

"go." without saying another word I nodded and left the shoot. 

I don't like where this is going...


Eyyyy~ I've been working on this book secretly that's why I haven't been updating any of my other books hoho~ I've been really inspired to write this fic.~ here's a little short chapter to get a little feel on the story that you guys will hopefully like! Feel free to give some feedback if ya'll are liking it so far~ I won't bite~ have a wonderful dayyyyy~ byeeeeeee.

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