~Chapter 5~

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Just incase~ 

(L/N) - Last name


Adrien's P.O.V

"you were cold tonight" Plagg said popping out of my hair. 

"It wasn't cold out Plagg" I said sitting down on my bed. 

"no stupid! I was talking about her!" he said floating in front of me. 

"Oh... her." I said lying down on my bed. 

"what's up man? I've never seen you like this." he said sitting on my  chest as I stared at the ceiling. 

"It's nothing... I need some rest. I have a 'big day' tomorrow with (Y/N)" I said tucking in my sheets.

"Whatever you say, Adrien." He said lying down next to me. 


I woke up really early for some reason today. I did my morning routine but I didn't bother to check my phone nor any social media accounts cause I know it'll be booming up with the whole '(Y/N) and I being a couple'. If they only knew that it was all fake and done for sheer publicity. 

"Adrien... I'm hungry.. can we get some delicious Camembert?"  Plagg said floating up to me as he hallucinates holding a piece of camembert as his drool resembles to the Niagara Falls.

I chuckled at his antics. "Fine, come on Plagg. Let's get us something to eat." Plagg flew inside my shirt as I went outside my room. 

We may have an assistant but I prefer to do things my own... it just gives me a little freedom y'know? I arrived at the kitchen and open the fridge. 

"Don't you have a little meeting with your dad and your 'girlfriend'?" he said wiggling his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes. 

"she's not important. She can wait." I said shuffling through the food inside. 

"ooh... I haven't recalled you eating anything salty today, Adrien?" He said.

"haha very funny... and by the way she isn't my girlfriend.. okay?! It's just a whole sham! she's not different from the other girls I've posed with. I bet you a whole chunk of Camembert  that she's a  self-centered spoiled brat like other girls I've worked with. Acting all goody in front of the camera but once the camera's off... Bam! all hell is loose. She might be even worse than Chloe! and nobody. I repeat... NOBODY can be worse than Chloe." I whisper shouted as I finally found the Camembert and handed it to Plagg. 

"I don't know who that Chloe is... But you wound me Agreste." a voice said from behind me. 

I turned around and it was (Y/N) holding her heart as she gave me a pained expression. Plagg immediately hid further in my shirt.

"Way to judge a..." she starts to chuckle "magazine by it's cover" she said holding up a magazine of her and I on the cover page from a picture taken back at the airport. She threw it on the kitchen isle and leaned on the side of a really tall kitchen cabinet. 

"(Y-Y/N) w-when did you get here?" I said frozen in place.

"just in time to hear all that crap" She said winking at me while shooting me finger guns but I could clearly tell that she was hurt. 

"(Y/N)... love, I'm sorry." I said approaching her. 

"Hold up Agreste. It's alright, I get that a lot.. and don't call me 'love'; like you said we aren't 'shamming' anybody right now. So, save the nicknames and hurry up, your father's been looking for you." she said as she left the room. 

"You messed up big time Adrien." Plagg said peeping out of my shirt.

"Shut up." I said face palming myself and soon followed her to my Father's office.

Your P.O.V

"Hold up Agreste. It's alright, I get that a lot.. and don't call me 'love' like you said we aren't 'shamming' anybody right now. So save the nicknames and hurry up, your father's been looking for you." I said as I turned around left the room.   

I paused a bit and felt a tear escape my eye. "Dammit." I murmured to myself as I quickly wiped it off. 

I noticed he was silently following me I slightly turned my head to face him. He had his head down and I felt really awkward. 

"Cat got your tongue, Agreste? I need help you know... this isn't my house." I said facing back to where I was walking. 

"S-sorry... turn right and the first door you see is it." he said sternly. 

"Thank you." I said turning right and arrived at the door. 

I knocked at the door as Adrien kept his distance. A woman wearing glasses, a bun, and a really formal suit answered the door. 

"Ah, Ms. (L/N)..." She turned to face Adrien. "I see you've brought Adrien with you." 

I nodded my head. 

"come on in." She opened the door a little wider than it was before and signaled both Adrien and I to enter. 

"(Y/N), Adrien sit down please." We both sat down on the chairs infront of Mr. Agreste's desk. The sound of his voice was giving me major anxiety. I didn't like it one bit.

"Since we're doing this nobody... I repeat NOBODY should know about this.. Since the two of you are legibly dating, Mr. (L/N) and I have come to an agreement on keeping the two of you side by side as much as we can. So I've enrolled you, (Y/N), to a school that Adrien goes to." 

"B-but sir... I'm not comfortable with-" he cut me off. 

"Don't worry Ms. (L/N). You have Adrien by your side, he'll guide you around... isn't that right Adrien?" He said facing Adrien. 

"yes, father." he said in reply still looking down.

"We want this to be as believable as possible so we've come up with schedules for the two of you that I'm sure you both will follow. Your schedules include dates, photo shoots and extra curricular activities." he said handing both Adrien and I a printed schedule. 

"yes, sir." I said as Adrien just nodded.

"that's about it... any questions?" he said shifting eye contact from Adrien to me then back to Adrien.

"S-sir... what are we gonna tell the publicists?" I said shakily. I was never great being around other people. I'm used to seeing the same people everyday. I'm not really good with socializing with other people since I was never given a chance to.

"Ah, that's what you and Adrien are going to be doing today. I'm sure you're tired from your travel so this day is all about getting to know each other. I trust you both to make a believable story." he bluntly stated.

"if that's all you two are going to ask... Adrien, start getting to know Ms. (L/N)" 

"yes, father" Adrien said as he signaled me to come follow him and so, I did. 

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now