~Chapter 20~

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After the tournament Adrien and I were fetched by Adrien's assistant and driver. We were in the car, it was really quiet. So, to pass some time by I went on Instagram and just kept scrolling. Nothing really caught my eye, except this one post. It was a video of Adrien and I laughing, as I tried to get my phone back. My eyes widened when I realized that it had gone viral, it was all over the web!

Before I got a chance to show it to Adriend, his assistant broke the silence as she groaned and turned to face him and I.

"Adrien, (Y/N), I'm sorry. The photoshoot has been moved this weekend. We're hands on with the event as of the moment... It's our top priority"

"Event?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, what's that even all about?"

"You're partnership and relationship of course" she turned back to face back at us.

I just groaned and Adrien stayed quiet for a while.

"So... That means we're free to do anything?"


Adrien smiled and gave out s little chuckle then hummed in delight.

"hey, (y/n)?" He turned to me.

"What?" I said eyes glued on my phone.

"Do you wanna start that training... You know it's never too early to start"


"Are you even paying attention?"


He inched closer to me and covered the screen with his hand.

"Did you even hear a single thing I said?"

I faced him with a fake smile hiding how annoyed I was. "Yes Agreste, let's train for your little tournament" I raised my brows as if I was waiting for him to say something that'll lead us into another argument.

"Perfect" is all he said. He inched away and looked towards his window. 'You're planning something, Agreste. I can feel it" I stared at him menacingly.

Minutes later we arrived at his mansion and dropped my bags on his huge room's couch.

"So, when do you want to start loosing?" I said sitting down as I let my head fall on the couch's backrest.

"We both know that it's you who'll be doing all the loosing"

My head popped up "whatever Agreste, just hand me the controller"

He handed it to me as we got ready for the round.

We've been playing a bunch of rounds now, of course I won every match. I started noticing how aggressive Agreste is on this game.

"Don't attack too much. Be mindful of every attack you use, your opponent can use it against you"

After I said that his character stopped charging at me for every 3 seconds.

"You actually listened" I said holding back my giggles.

"Okay, okay. Don't forget, we're training, aren't we?" He elbowed me.

"Hey! You're not allowed to elbow your coach"

He elbowed me.

"Player 1 wins the round!" The game said.

"What?! How?!"

"Simple, you didn't listen to your coach" I said putting down the controller.

"Hey, you should help Marinette and I later... I said I'd practice with her in a... OH I'M LATE!" He said checking his phone's clock.

I watched him run around his room laughing at this lovesick boy. I started browsing on my phone again, got some new messages from Haley and father. But, before I could read any...

Adrien stopped in front of me one hand in his pocket the other reaching out. I looked up from my phone as he greeted me with that smile of his. "Are you coming?"

"Nah, I don't want to third wheel and interfere"

A soft tint of pink spread across his face. "W-what?! She's just a friend" he defended himself.

"Whatever you say loverboy~ Now go and visit your princess" I said squiggling my eyebrows at him. So this is what it feels like to be Hunter... I get it now.

He murmured some inaudible stuff as he was about to open the door. "You sure you're not gonna come?"


"I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Take as long as you want! I know you want to spend some alone time with... Marinette~" I sang her name.

He stuttered and quickly left. Not saying a word in defense, all I could do was laugh.

"OH NO! MY SHIP!" a little voice squeaked.

"That ship is never gonna happen" I said turning to Hunter, raising my brow. He ooked like he was about to loose it.

"I can sense romance and chemistry (Y/N). Just let me enjoy my ship~ I've been in that miraculous for who knows long! Let me have some fun~" he said.

I rolled my eyes.

I finally got to read the messages and they were the same old messages I got from father and my assistant, all about work. It took me about 10 minutes to get through them all and reply until a new messages popped up.

Shit, Noah.

I still didn't have a believable explanation!

N- I'll be expecting that call in an hour or two.

"I'M DECEASED, DEAD!" I theatrically said as I laid down on Adrien's huge red couch.

"Let me see that" Hunter said flying towards me as he held the phone which was twice his size. It made me giggle a bit but Noah's little explanation was swirling around my head.

"So, what are you gonna tell him?"

"I don't know Hunter! It would've been easy if he didn't stick around me often... But he works with me and he's my only friend!" I covered my whole face with one of Adrien's couch pillows. I inhaled his scent and it actually helped me calm down a bit.

"You're always in your phone... Right?" I moved the pillow to my chest, exposing my tired face.

I guiltily nodded "yeah..." With a nervous chuckle that followed.

"Well, just tell him you did it secretly"


"By..." Before Hunter could finish saving my life and friendship we both heard a loud ruckus, it wasn't too far but it was really loud.

"This is it, (Y/N). You're first akuma! Are you ready?"

I gave him a nod with a matching grin.

He smiled. "Just say the words"

"Hunter, Antlers on!"

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now