~ Chapter 27~

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"photoshoots this week AND next?" I asked Haley, making sure I wasn't hearing things.

"Yup" she said.

I groan "how about..."

"Your parents are at a meeting with Gabriel Agreste" she said as if she read my mind.

"The usual..." I said.

"Well, we're here. Have a great day at school, (Y/n)"

"Thanks..." I said getting out. I've been living in Paris for a week or two now and it's been a blast so far... well, being Chasseresse that is. As for (Y/n), not so much.

In the span of living here, my only friend is Adrien... and in the span of living here this is only my fourth day at school. I've been busy with the launch so Adrien and I would always end up getting pulled out. I don't really get to meet new people nor attend school, but that's my mission today! To make friends! And maybe pay attention in class!

I walk in determined to meet new people. I climbed up the steps and entered the school. I look around and saw everyone with their own little group of friends. I don't belong. I said giving up, ready to walk up to the classroom to pass some time, rather than seen standing here, starring at everybody.

As I was about to walk away, I heard somebody call my name. I turned around and saw Adrien with a boy right next to him.

"Hey! I haven't formally introduced you to Nino, haven't I?" He asked. I shook my head and smiled.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet Adrien's lady" Nino said nodding his head at me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too!" I chirped.

"Were you just about to head to class?" Adrien asked. I hummed.

"come on, I want you to meet my friends"

All I could do was smile, I'd be lying if I didn't say I was panicking internally.

"Hey!" A familiar brunette yelled our way. She was the same girl I saw with Nino, alongside her blue-haired friend.

"OMG! It's (Y/N)! Can I have an interview with you?" She asked eagerly.

"Giver her a break Alya, she's been doing tons already" Adrien said walking our way.

"But not with me!" She said pointing at herself. "Oh! I'm Alya by the way! And this is Marinette!" She said tugging her friend beside her. She seemed nice, but for some reason I felt like Marinette was acting weird around me.

"I'm happy to finally meet new people" I said smiling.

"Hey, we should hangout later! To get to know (Y/N) a little bit more! Are you guys free?" Nino asked.

We all said yes.

"It's settled then! Nobody's allowed to back out! Let's all head to the fair later! I heard that they have awesome funnel cakes" Nino said.

"I'd love that!" It's my first time going to a fair, I'm really excited!" As things were being planned, I felt my phone vibrate as my really loud ringtone played.

"Excuse me" I said politely walking away as I picked up the phone. I was in a rush so I didn't get to check the name.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Don't you think you're forgetting something?" Noah said popping up on the screen

It took me a while to process somehow.


"At least you still remember my name!" He said laughing at the other end. Man, I miss seeing him.

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want? Hurry up, I have classes in 5 minutes" I said checking my watch.

"W-wait, (Y/N) (L/N) isn't homeschooled anymore?" He said in disbelief.

"I know, horrible right?"

"More like exciting!" Typical Noah.

"Whatever, why'd you call?"

"I've been waiting to meet that boyfriend of yours"

Crap, I forgot.

"Can that wait?" I heard him hum in disagreement. I was about to hang up on him but as if planned, he popped up.

"Hey, classes are about to start" Adrien said tapping me on the shoulder.

"In a minute" I said awkwardly chuckling as I faced the phone away.

"Who's that?" Adrien asked.

"N-nobody!" I said hanging up.

"Come on we're gonna be late!" I yelled zooming past him right into class. Why did I just do that? I can't hide Noah from him forever.

After classes we headed out, more like sneaked out for Adrien  and me, and headed to the fair.

"Woah..." I said amused at all the rides, people, especially the food.

"Do you think they'll recognise us?" I asked Adrien who was conversing with Marinette.

"Trust me, I do this all the time" he said fixing his sunglasses and hood.

"Come on Mari!" He said as he walked in with her.

"Hey girl! Are you alright?" Alya said placing her hand over my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm just a little worried" I fumbled with my thumb.

I saw her looking at Adrien and Marinette. I quickly reassured her. "No, no, don't worry it's not them... it's my first time going to one of these and I'm afraid that people are gonna notice me. Father would be extremely furious" I said chuckling not wanting to let the nerves get hold of me.

"Girl! right now you're invisible to them. Don't worry too much and let me show you where the fun's at!" Alya said.

I hesitated for a bit...

I sighed. "Lead the way"


I'm sorry for the super late chapter :'D but I'm back! I can't believe the amount of attention this book is getting~ it even placed 15th in fanfiction~ I'm speechless~ I love you guys so so much! Thank you for all the comments, votes, and awesome feedback you've given~ I've got more time on my hands to write more chapters this month! So, expect me to bombard you guys with new chapters for being inactive. I hope you're enjoying the book! We haven't even reached half of the story yet~~~ Take care and have a wonderful day! 💖💖💖

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