~Chapter 7~

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I was trying my best to blend in so nobody would notice me wiping off my tears. As I was approaching the pedestrian lane I noticed an old man having trouble with his groceries and cane. He tried hitting the button to stop the street light but he just couldn't do it.

I frowned at all the people who either snickered at him or just walked by him. I immediately ran towards him. "Let me help you, sir." I said grabbing hold of his groceries and hitting the button on the pole.

"Thank you." He said smiling at me.

"You can hand me back my groceries now." He said chuckling at me as we both crossed the street.

"No, no. I insist. If you don't mind I can walk you to your home. " I said giving him a smile.

"If you insist. We're quite near my home." He said.

"These are quite heavy! It's like they have rocks in em'" I giggled and the old man laughed at my statement as well.

We were followed with awkward silence but later on he spoke up.

"I saw what you did there, that was really brave of you." He said later on humming down a tune.

I just awkwardly chuckled at what he said. It made me remember what Adrien said just a bit ago.

"Did that boy hurt you?" He said as we turned right with me following in his tracks.

"W-what? No! It was just a misunderstanding." I said trying to cover up. Who knows maybe he's a secret journalist or something. .

"Well, this is my place. Thanks for the help." He said giving me a smile.

"You don't want me to help you with putting the bags inside?" I asked.

"No need, I've troubled you enough. Thank you again." He said lightly bowing at me.

I gave him a warm smile. "Anytime." I said as I placed down the really heavy grocery bags.

"Take care!" I said  waving at him as I walked home.

Third Person P.O.V

Master Fu waited for (Y/N) to be out of sight as he lifted a rock out the bag and chuckled. He tossed the rock up and down from his hands, he played with it whilst he hummed and walked along the side walk with the cane resting on his shoulder. He left the grocery bags in front of a random apartment  and continued walking off with a cheeky grin etched across his face.

(Y/N)'S P.O.V

I walked rang the doorbell and a voice spoke up. "Who is it?" It said.

"Haley, it's me, (Y/N)." I said releasing the button as I finished speaking.

The gates opened and I walked in. As I approached the front door it opened to reveal non other than my assistant, Haley.

"Hey, how was your day?" She said closing the door as I got in.

"Tiring. Where's mum and father?" I asked her.

"They're doing work." She said leading me up to my room.

"Of course." I mumbled. I shouldn't have asked. It isn't surprising that they're off at work.

I went inside my room and immediately locking the door. I walked in and gave out a heavy sigh. Adrien's words replaying over and over again in my head.

"I thought out of all people you'd get me." I say as I place my phone down on my nightstand and  sat down my bed. "I guess not." I said as I let my body fall down on my bed. My body felt relieved and loosened up a bit as it touched my soft matress.

Before I could shut my eyes I heard my phone beep.

I sat back up and saw a text from Adrien.

A: (Y/N), I'm sorry.

I chose not to bother with it and just get back to it later.  Plus, when did I ever give my phone number to Adrien? And when did I ever get his? Hmm.

As I was about to place my phone back on the nightstand where it resided, I noticed a little blackish box with red patterns designed all around it. "I don't remember seeing you there before..." I said picking the box up.

I stayed seated on my bed still contemplating whether or not if I should open up the box or not.

Minutes later I finally summed up the courage to open it and a ray of light flashed up and it revealed a single ntler hair pin.

I admired it's beauty. I'm not really into jewelry or accessories. It was really simple but it was really gorgeous, I had to admit. (Pic is up there ^^^)

I grabbed a strand of my hair and pinned it on. Later on a ball of light came popping out of the hairpin and I jumped. It floated infront of me.

A little being appeared and I scooted a little back with my heart raising.

"W-what.. are you?" I said frozen on my bed.

"Hey! I'm Hunter, your kwami."

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now