~Chapter 13~

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I hopped on and off from rooftop to rooftop. I admired the pinkish sky as the sun was starting to set. I waved hello and smiled at the people who stopped what they were doing just to take a glimpse on who the new heroin was. I stopped when I noticed I was just rooftop's away from Adrien's mansion. I sat down and relaxed a bit but thoughts about today just couldn't seem to leave my head.

I burrowed my face using both of my hands as I grunted out in frustration.

"What did I get myself into?" I said over and over, mumbling to myself.

Suddenly I heard something land on the rooftop that I was on. I sat up straight, slightly turning my head to see who or what it was.

I saw a bowing Chat Noir. I gave him a smirk "fancy seeing you here, Chat Noir."

"same for you, My Deer." (get it? dear~ no? welp...)

I chuckled at his antics, stood up and walked towards him. I tilted my head slightly. "Pet names already?" I raised a brow playfully.

"my, my aren't you a forward little kitten." I said petting his head as I started to head off.

I didn't know where this sudden boost of pride and confidence came from but it felt good I admittedly thought.

"don't you wanna stick around?" he said leaning forward grabbing his chin as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"I'm sorry Chat but I don't have time for flirts like you." I said turning around giggling at him. Wait, am I flirting with Chat? He's obviously flirting with me so why am I flirting back? I shook the thoughts away as I head off.

I heard footsteps behind me. Looks like the kitty wants to play. I thought smirking to myself.

"come on Chasseresse~ don't you wanna have some cat talk with me?" He said trying to swoon me with his flirty tone. It was pretty tempting but it just wasn't enough. The way my superhero name slipped off his lips set off fireworks in me. On the second thought, I think I might stick around a little and play his silly little cat games.

I stopped and turned around. He didn't expect it as he immediately stopped almost resulting to him stumbling over. I stopped him with my hand before he could reach me. He was a few inches taller than I was, his suit captured his model like build, and he was just a few centimeters away from me. I took a tiny step forward and leaned in our cheeks slightly brushing. I kept my hand on his chest as I could feel his heart thumping as mad as the mad hatter.

"persuade me, kitty." I said whispering to his ear. I stepped back a bit as I flicked the bell that was dangling on his neck.

By his expression he was shocked so I quickly grabbed for my bow and extended it. I pressed a blue button and aimed for a building, I didn't let go of the button. I remembered what Hunter said when I got home. Chat Noir finally came back to his senses and gave me a grin.

"I see how it is..." he said slyly.

I released the arrow and a beam of light shot right on to the building. He gave a confused look on the place I shot at as he traced the beam until it reached my bow and he looked at me with confusion all over his face.

Before letting go of the blue button like Hunter instructed me to, I gave him a cheeky wink goodbye. I flung through the air as the arrow and my bow acted like a huge grappling hook.

"WOHOO!" I yelled as adrenaline flew through my veins.

I landed on the rooftop of the building unharmed and as I stood up I saw a black cat just over the horizon staring at me. I gave him a salute and went running off.

Chat's P.O.V

I saw Chasseresse wielding a bow and arrow as I gave her a smirk. 'A bow and and arrow, huh... I dig it.' I thought to myself.

She shot the arrow and a beam of string like light shot towards a building. I looked at it in awe and I eventually ended up staring at Chasseresse. She gave me a wink and before I could say anything else she flung towards the building where she shot the arrow. Yelling as she landed gracefully which got me in awe.

She gave me a salute and ran off.

"persuade me, kitty." Her voice echoed in my head. I chuckled.

"oh you bet I will." I used my staff as I extended it and used it as a javelin.

I gulped as I threw myself on the direction of the building. Thankfully I landed safely. I dusted myself off and spotted Chasseresse just a few rooftops away.

I leaped as fast as I could and kinda caught up with her but she was faster than you'd expect.

"Chasseresse!" I yelled trying to get her attention.

"you just won't give up would you?" She said as she was about to shoot another arrow.

I caught up to her and as she was about to let go of another arrow I quickly grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Are you Cupid?." I said out of the blue as I starred right into her beautiful (e/y) orbs.

She gave me a look. "Cause you shot an arrow of love right in here." I said grabbing my heart pretending to be shot.

She smiled at me chuckling she put down the bow as the arrow disappeared. She reduced her bow and it turned into a metal stick a little quite similar to my staff when I reduce mine.

She sat down doing an Indian seat. She sighed as she starred at the Eiffel Tower.

"I can just leave if you're not interested anymore with that cat talk of yours." she said teasing me as she slowly got up.

I sat down immediately doing an Indian seat as well. She giggled.

"So, I guess I persuaded you with my pawsome pick up line?" I said as I checked her out. I guess she noticed it.

"Eyes up here feline." she said moving my chin up to face her.

"I'd like to say it was more of me pitying you... but sure, let's go with that." she said leaning back as she used her hands as support.

"you really do wound me Chasseresse." I said playfully at her.

"aww you want some kisses on that wound to help it heal?" I can't help but blush at that.

"you know I do.."

"where does it hurt kitty cat?" she said leaning closer to me.

"here..." I said pointing to my left cheek. She hummed in return leaning in, teasing me.

"here..." I said now pointing on my right cheek. She hummed once more leaning in even closer.

"and especially... here." I said curving my lips as I pointed onto it leaning in for a kiss as I closed my eyes awaiting for it.

She used her hand to shove my face away and stood up. "I'm sorry, Chat but I don't think my kisses would help your wound.. Such a naughty kitty." She took out her bow once more and aimed for another building.

"Until next time Mr. Chat Noir." and she disappeared.

I laid down love struck on the roof. "you finally got your wish LB..." I said looking at the stars remembering what she said to me days ago.

"Chat, you gotta stop flirting with me. This is a serious matter." Ladybug went and attacked the akumatized villain once more.

I stared at her with a pout yet no matter what she says I still end up even more inlove with her.

I growled... "ugh, I just can't..." I covered my eyes with my left arm. Ladybug was always serious when it came to fighting akumas and especially when it came to using her miraculous. She would never agree to meet up with me. Yeah, she jokes around here and there but Chasseresse... I've just met her but... wow, she just took my breathe away.

I turned to face where Chasseresse disappeared to. "who are you under that mask?"


I hope you love the chapter as much as I loved writing it! Thank you for taking some time off on reading this~ Until next time~ BYE <3

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