~Chapter 15~

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(y/n)'s P.O.V

I'm in the car with Adrien and it's super awkward. He's sitting on the other side of his car, attention focused on whatever it is outside his window. As for me, I was doing the same. The ride was super silent  but I heard yells as the car drove closer to the school.

I scooted near Adrien and looked over his window to see what it was.

"Hey!" He yelped as I went closer towards the window.

"Woah..." Was all the escaped my mouth when I finally realized that the noise came from the school. A ton of students were by the door as reporters were being held back.

I gulped as I sat back down. "I didn't imagine it to be this... Big" I hugged my bag.

Adrien looked at me and quickly glanced at the window. "Crud..." He said as he leaned his head on the window.

His limo finally stopped and a bunch of flashing lights and yells greeted us. Adrien's assistant went out of the car and opened the door for Adrien and I.

Adrien went out first. I could hear a bunch of reporters trying to ask him questions as the guards struggled to block them off.

He fixed his bag and turned to me "don't wanna miss your first day, right?" He reached in for my hand and I took it.

"Actually, I do." He rolled his eyes as he gave me a chuckle.

"Mhm.." He hummed as he helped me get out. As I got out we were bombarded with loads of flashes and questions followed with yelling from the students.

Adrien's assistant and bodyguard walked behind us as Adrien guided our way through the entrance of the school. It felt like a jungle!

"(y/n)! Look over here!" A reporter yelled.

"Over here!" Another yelled.

I walked closer to Adrien as the reporters pushed stronger with force. The guards were having a hard time but they holding them off really well despite how violent some of them became.

We were a few steps away from the door and I saw a bunch of students with a man in the middle awaiting us with a welcome sign. Everybody had really big smiles on... It was honestly a wee bit creepier than welcoming.

"WELCOME!!!" A loud voice greeted us.

I jumped at the welcome and let go of Adrien's hand.

"Good morning, Mr. Damocles" Adrien said shaking his hand.

He greeted the bearded looking owl man. He turned to me with a huge grin on his face.

"I apologise if I gave you a little fright. Let me introduce myself. I'm Mr. Damocles, the principal of Collège Françoise Dupont!" He gave a little chuckle as he showcased the school as he waved his hand around.

I couldn't help but laugh. This doesn't seem to bad. "Hello, Mr. Damocles" I reached in for a shake. He grabbed my hand and unexpectedly pulled me in for a little one sided hug.

He let go as I remained frozen, still in shock of the gesture. He gave another little chuckle "We are so happy to have you in our school Ms. (L/N)! If you and Adrien can just follow me for a little tour of the school"

He said as he patted my back and went ahead inside the school.

He turned to face some of the students "Everybody, get back to your designated classess! Hurry on!" He yelled as all the students disappeared in a snap.

I looked to my side and gave Adrien a look. He just signaled me to follow the headmaster as he placed his hands in his pockets and went ahead, his assistant and bodyguard followed me leaving me behind.

I glanced at the huge school and back to Adrien who seemed to be walking pretty far now. "Hey, Wait up!" I yelled as I ran towards them.

I finally caught up and it seems like Mr. Damocles didn't notice that I was left behind.

"Did you get that Ms. (L/N)?" I took another glance at Adrien hoping that he'll see the panic in my eyes signaling for his help.

He just sighed and looked away. 'this isn't the time to act like a jerk, Adrien...' I thought to myself as I gritted my teeth.

"Uh.. Ms. (L/N)?" Mr. Damocles asked me.

"YES!" I yelled in panic.

He stared at me in confusion for a couple of seconds but his expression immediately changed back to excitement.

He continued walking and started to talk again once more as we followed him. "I made sure that all the faculty and students will give you a warm welcome, I think I did a pretty good job" he chuckled at himself.

I gave him a little laugh too. "You didn't really have to..." I said awkwardly. I noticed Adrien was still silent, He faced the same direction as before. I nudged him with my elbow, he's my only ticket on getting out of this alive.

It didn't work.

"You'll notice that the whole school is crisp and clean! I also made sure that it fits into your liking!"

"Haha wow..." I started getting frustrated with Adrien.

"This floor is where my office and most of the classrooms are located..." He continues to jabber on as I finally get a good look on where Adrien's been looking at.

There were 3 students by the locker area. 2 girls and a boy.

The boy had a red hat on, glasses and quite huge headphones on. He was chatting with the red haired girl who also wore glasses. She held her phone as she excitedly showed some pictures to him. Next to her was a blue haired girl who wore pigtails. She was silent and didn't seem to pay attention to her two friends.

I noticed her looking tiny glances at where we were. She jumped as she stumbled back. She shot little a little wave at our direction giving us a little embarrassed smile.

I gave a little quiet chuckle. I noticed Adrien waved back and gave her a warm big grin, his cheeks were tinted pink. She started to blush too but was pulled away as her friends started to walk away.

Adrien sighed and his smile disappeared and was now replaced with evident sadness.

I tugged on his sleeve. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah..." He murmured.

Before I could say anything else Mr. Damocles mentioned my name again. I actually forgot that he was giving us a little tour.

"This is where we part ways Ms. (L/N)... right through this door is your first class with Adrien" he cleared his throat. "Enjoy your stay here at Collège Françoise Dupont!" He gave me another Pat and headed off.

"Well, that was something huh?" I giggled at Adrien.

He remained silent. "(Y/N), Adrien, this is where we head off now too" Natalie, Adrien's assistant said.

"Don't forget to be outside after lunch"

I nodded and they left.

"Adrien..." I said turning to face him.

"Let's get to class" he flatly said to me. He turned the knob and went right in the classroom.

"O-okay..." I said hesitating whether or not I should follow him but this was my escape! I can go and run back home but.. Adrien.

I held my breath and pushed the door. 'here we go..."
I thought to myself as I slowly entered the room.

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now