~Chapter 34~

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

We were sent on a lunch break. The next set was being prepared for the next part of the photoshoot.

Noah and I were walking towards the lunch area they provided us with. I could already spot Natalie and Adrien.

Noah walked right beside me. He was such a lifesaver by carrying my lunch and water bottle for me. With the handful of paperwork for school I had on me right now, which needed to be finished tonight by the way. I really needed a hand. He's really a chivalrous guy and I'm thankful for that.

"Adrien!!" I yelled at him. Walk running towards him, trying my hardest to balance all the papers I was holding onto.

His head turned to my direction and he gave me a smile. His eyes darted towards Noah, who was trying to catch up with me, also having a hard time juggling his lunch and mine, oops.. Sorry Dummy. He quickly looked away as he focused his attention back on his croissant.

Adrien was already dressed up and ready for his photoshoot. He looked really good. He wore a blueish grey knitted sweater with a white tiny Gabriel x (L/N) logo stitched on the upper right side of the sweater, a striped navy blue and white formal long sleeved shirt under the sweater, dark grey pants ending right above his ankle, and a pair of casual looking black shoes. Scratch that; He didn't look good.

He looks amazing!

After gawk-... um, I mean. After admiring how good Adri- THE CLOTHES looked... We finally arrived at the table.

"Saved you a seat babe" Adrien said coldly without even looking at me.

I tilted my head, confused at what's going on.

"Is there something wrong?" I said sitting right beside him placing my hand on his shoulder, leaning towards him.

"I'm good" he blankly replied.

"Don't get too distracted by your boyfriend and eat up!" Noah chuckled as he caught up to me and handed me my lunch and water bottle.

"Thanks for the advice dummy" I said rolling my eyes at him. He playfully winked back as he sat in-front of me and started eating his lunch.

I ended up doing the same.

Lunch was going really awkward. It was dead ass radio silent. Until unexpectedly, Adrien spoke up.

"You guys did well on your photoshoot."

"Thanks! I've seen your pictures though. I know you can do heaps better than what we just did" Noah answered back giving Adrien a cheeky smile whilst he gave an.. what I assume as a blank reaction at Noah's reply.

Natalie, saving the day, said "You kids should get going and get changed. I just got a text from (Y/N)'s assistant . They're going to be ready in about any minute now.

"Oh shoot, we better get going then!" Noah said getting up, already done with his food.

"BUT I'M NOT DONE YET!" I said pointing towards my (your favourite food) .

Adrien stood up snatching my precious food away.

"Come on babe, we're going to be late. You can finish this whilst getting ready"

"okay.." I said with a sad tone. Slowly getting up from my seat.

"That's my girl... for now~ I claim your food as mine" he teased me, running away soon after.

"That's so unfair!" I yelled chasing after him. "IF ANY OF THAT FALLS ON THE FLOOR WE'RE THROUGH AGRESTE!"

"be careful you lovebirds!" Noah's yell was heard from a distance. I could tell he was laughing his ass off.

~Time Skip~

Exiting my dressing room I was now wearing the same knitted sweater as Adrien. The only difference being the size and that mine was black and was semi rolled up showing the undershirts flowey sleeves. I wore a similar long sleeved shirt, mine had different coloured stripes all around it. A patch of red stripes, green stripes, blue stripes, and yellow stripes scattered all throughout the top. What I loved about my shirt was that it had character; my favourite part being the kinda loose ruffled sleeves it had. My pants on the other hand, weren't as formal as his. The stressed jeans I wore were rolled up to my ankles. To top it all off my shoes were one of Gabriel's best selling shoes.. (you decide!). I had my hair tied back for this one and minimal make up was put on me.

Adrien was already taking pictures on set. He looked my way and smiled. That smile of his made girls melt and gawk all over him... wow

I shake off that thought immediately and reminded myself that I'm not like them.

Sitting on the sidelines, I spotted Noah. I walked up to him and sat beside him as I waited for my turn.

3rd person P.O.V

"Hello gorgeous!" Noah greeted (Y/N). She rolled her eyes in return.

"I can see you're ready to head home?" She tugged on his sweatshirt thinking about how lucky her best friend was to be snugged up in a cozy sweater whilst she was stuck taking pictures with her pretend boyfriend.

"Yeah! Since this is your last shot for the day, I thought that I could wait for you and we can do some catching up after. What do you think?" She smiled at this

"Awee~ Of course you dumbo! I'd take any chance of being able to spend time with you"

The two chatted and started catching up. Unaware that their reminiscing and laughter was heard all throughout the studio. Making a certain boy loose focus on set.

"ADRIEN! You look like an undercooked spaghetti! what's going on?!" The photographer's rich Italian accent seeped through his words. Catching both Noah and (Y/N)'s attention.

"I'm sorry" He said, trying to hide the embarrassment he felt.

"Okay, bring the meatball in!" (Y/N) spoke up.

"e-excuse me?" Confusion etched the photographer's face.

"Well, you can't have spaghetti without meatballs, am I right?" She giggled at her own statement.

He gave a cheeky smile in return. "I can't disagree on that"

"The meatball has come to give the spaghetti flavour" She joked at Adrien.

"Ha ha, spaghetti can still taste amazing without the meatballs..."

He then looked at (Y/N) and flashed a genuine smile. "Though, spaghetti's thankful he has meatball"

(Y/N)'s heart felt heavy. Adrien's words really got to her. She knew she had to shake that feeling off. She can't be swayed. It's all business, nothing more, nothing less.

"Are you alright?" Adrien asked.

"Let's get this over with"

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now