~Chapter 10~

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I kinda woke up to the sound of my alarm and Hunter shaking me lightly.

"(Y/N), wake up!" he said whisper shouting at me.

"y-yeah... I'm awake." I said giggling sleepily at him.

"(Y/NNNN), it's breakfast! I'm hungry." He kept his tone low as he yanked tiny strands of my hair.

"breakfast?!" I said sitting up.

Hunter was still yanking my hair whilst I sat up. He ended up tumbling infront of me. I picked him up and kissed his forehead.

"Sorry." I gave him an apologetic smile.

"the only apology I'm gonna accept is breakfast." he said floating up as he rubbed the area where I kissed.

"okay your highness, I'll be back with your food. Just let me fix myself up." I said getting out of bed.

I went to check to check if I had any new messages on my phone.

"wow.. who could've called and texted me this much?" I said.

"must be a lunatic." said Hunter who flew and sat on my shoulder.

I checked to see who it was. "OH HOLY CHEESCAKE OF LIFE... I FORGOT TO MESSAGE HIM." I said panicking as I unlocked my phone to reply to his messages.

"for a high-end model I thought you'd have more sophisticated." I rolled my eyes at him and read the messages.

N: When are you coming back?

N: why didn't you tell me that you were leaving?

N: I'm sorry for blowing a fuse... call me back when you're free :)

N: (Y/N) (L/N) when did you get a boyfriend?!

N: don't forget to brush your teeth and hydrate btw...  gonna miss you.

and the list of messages kept rolling.

"I didn't know you had another lover." I chocked at Hunter's words.

"he's just a friend, Hunter. Stop calling all the boys I talk with as my 'lover'." I said finger quoting 'lover' with my available hand as the other held my phone.

"say what you want to say (Y/N)." he said wiggling his brows at me.

I transffered my phone to my right hand as I used my left pointer to push Hunter off my shoulder.

He chuckled and flew back to the pillow and closed went back to sleep.

I just shook my head at him and focused back my attention on my phone.

Y: Hey... sorry for not telling you. The trip was a total surprise to me. You can stop worrying about me now, Mom.

I sent the message completely avoiding his messages about me dating. I placed my phone back down on my nightstand and scurried to a mirror to tie my hair.

I went out of my room and ran down the stairs. I was soon greeted by Haley.
"morning (Y/N), you know your father doesn't like it when you run down the stairs"

"Morning." I said slowing down.

"he doesn't like you slouching either."

I sighed and straightened myself up.

"Haley, what's the schedule for today?" I asked as we walk towards the dining room.

"you and your parents have a meeting with the Agreste's at 10:00 to 11:30, 12 to 2 you have a little shoot with Adrien to get a little comfortable with one another."

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