~Chapter 22~

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I shot arrows and ran as fast as I can reaching my house. I jumped on my balcony and swiftly went inside my room making sure that nobody spotted me.

"Hunter, Antlers off" I said de-transforming as I walked up the stairs and towards my bed letting go of my bag and fell on it.

"Man, fighting crime sure is a hassle" I said dragging myself towards my pillows as I slowly laid my head on top of one. I was never this tired before, I could just marry my pillow right now.

"There's a lot more crime fighting, so get used to it!" Hunter said chuckling as he flew and rested on top of the pillow as well.

I groaned and rolled around making my face meet the pillow.

"Why was I chosen again?" I said whining but it turned out more of a mumble cause of the pillow.

"It's because Master Fu saw how brave, strong, and kind hearted you are! That's why you were chosen as the holder of the deer Miraculous!" Hunter gave me a little hug on my arm, which rested right beside my head.

I turned to face him and I just couldn't stop smiling at how sweet he was. "I didn't mean that literally... But, that meant a lot, thanks" I said rolling around as I cupped him with my hands and kissed his little head.

He giggled and laid down with me as we both stared at the ceiling, silently.

"Is there something wrong?" He said breaking the silence.

"Nope, it just feels like I forgot something..." Then realization hit me.

"ADRIEN!" I yelled getting up as I dashed my way towards my bag.

"miss him already?"

Not again... I looked over at Hunter giving him a glare. I'm not letting him get to me this time. "HA HA" I said now crawling back to bed as I unlocked my phone and scrolled for Adrien's number in my contacts.

He answered after the first two rings. "As if on cue" he said clearing his throat.

"Hey, I called to say I'm sorry I left without-"

"Are you safe?" He said tensely. Did he just ask if I was safe?


"Are you safe?" He said calmly this time. I could heard him sitting down.


He exhaled. "That's good... how'd you leave? Natalie never even noticed you left!"

I gave him an awkward chuckle "it's actual a really funny story..." I was now seated too. But I was more tense and started pulling on my own shirt lightly. 'What should I say?! Think (y/n)... THINK!' I thought to myself over and over again.

"Mhm... please do tell" he said. I'm not sure if he was skeptical or if he was actually interested. All I'm a sure about is that I'm a really bad liar, I could feel beads of sweat slowly fall down on my face as if it was like back home when I had to do loads of summer photoshoots outside as the summer sun glistened down on the crew and I.

"I wanted to... rest up! I was really tired"

He hummed to my answer.

"You could've asked my driver to bring you home"

"I-I just... Thought it would've been a great idea to walk around, my place isn't really that far from yours, so... I snuck out and left off" I started to twirl a strand of my hair with my finger as my free hand which held onto my phone, gripped it even tighter.

"You're a bad liar (Y/N)" he says laughing at the other end.

"W-what?! I'm telling the truth!" How is he reading between my lines? Is he some kind of human like detector or something?

"Mhm... Fine, I'll be there soon" he said, footsteps were heard.

"Wait, What?! Don't you think it's pretty late?!" I heard a long beep. He ended the call.

I slowly put the phone down as I crawled back under my sheets. I clicked on Twitter and started scrolling.

"You're looking a little pale, like you've seen a ghost..." He started flying back and forth as he hummed. I ignored him and focused on my phone's screen.

"What'd he say?" Hunter said zooming right in front of me. He used his tiny hands to push down my phone as he crossed his arms.

He raised a brow as I gulped "He's coming over here"

"WHAT?" Hunter exclaimed.

As if on cue I heard a bunch knocks on my door. "She might be up on her loft" I heard my assistant say.

"Thank you" He said right back. Hunter and I quietly peeped as we saw the top of Adrien's head as he looked around my room.

Why would Haley bring him in here?! Out of all places. An F-bomb slipped pass my lips and I think Adrien heard it as he turned around looking up my loft. Hunter and I quickly retreated up my bed as he hid under one of my pillows.

"Who is it?!" I yelled as if I didn't know who it was.

"It's Adrien! Can I come up?" He yelled back.

Up? Here?! I looked around "sure!" I yelled and started to clean things up as I hid them into containers and drawers. Every footstep I heard, the faster and faster I cleaned. As I saw his head pop up I stashed away whatever was on my hand and threw it under my bed as I jumped on my bed and tucked under my sheets.

"Hey" Adrien said holding a bunch of papers and his phone.

"Hi.." I panted.

"You look like you just ran a marathon" He snickered as he handed me what looked like a script.

"You can say that" I said wiping off some sweat droplets.

"So... what's this about?" I said flipping through the pages.

"It's for an upcoming interview"

"oh, is that why you're here?" I tilted my head slightly.

"y-yeah... It was an order from father"

"When is the interview?" I asked switching my attention from the script to Adrien. I noticed how much more defined his facial features when the only light sources in this room are my lamp and the moon's beams etching it's way from the windows. His lips were much more detailed as the corners of his face seemed sharper and more shaped out. But what caught my eyes were his beautiful eyes. How the light reflected off his green emerald eyes. It was quite dark yet you can see how bright the color was, it really complemented his hair color, his orbs had this spell on me, I just couldn't look away.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" he said waving his hand.


"Did you hear what I said? It's in two days"

"S-sorry... I think I need some more light in this room" He nodded as I stood up and walked towards the power switch. 'was I staring at him just now?' I felt my cheeks go warmer 'if so... how long?'

"You need help there?" I heard Adrien say from behind me as he stayed seated on my bed. I didn't notice that I stopped walking.

"Yeah, I think I'm just a little spaced out" I finally turned the loft lights on.

"Are you tired? I can leave right now if you want"

"No!" My eyes widened and I chuckled a bit. "I mean... no, It's alright. I'd love to get as much as we can done" I said walking my way back to the bed.

He nodded. He removed his shoes, faced me and did an Indian seat. "Let's start?"

I cleared my throat and smiled "Ready whenever you are"


If I did a Reader x Chat Noir/Adrien One Shot book... will you guys read it? Just a little food for thought... Hope you guys liked the chapter! don't forget to vote for the chapter, it would really mean a lot! Thank you for reading this chapter and book! Hope you're liking it so far~ Have a wonderful day <3

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