~Chapter 17~

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

The bell rang really loudly, it made me jump a little. I could hear Adrien chuckle so I shot him a look.

"So... That's school huh?" I turned over to Adrien stretching my arms out as I give out a little yawn.

He got up "isn't it great?"

"Yup! It's a great place to fall asleep in" I turned around to get my bag.

"It's not even almost half the day!" He said grabbing my bag, beating me to it.

"Exactly. Also, I can carry my own bag, Agreste" I reached in for my bag, motioning him to hand it to me using my fingers.

He sighed and handed it to me.

"Thank you though. I really appreciate it"

Suddenly an alarm started ringing.

"Oh shoot, I almost forgot about the Ultimate Mecha Strike III* (*that's Roman Numeral for 3 if you didn't know) tournament!"

Are my ears deceiving me or something. Did he just say Ultimate Mecha Strike III?

"Ultimate Mecha Strike III?"

"Yeah! It's this awesome 1v1 player fighting game! Come on, I'll show you"

Before I could say anything else he practically dragged me out of the room. "Okay!" I yipped out.

Finally we came to a stop as Adrien opened the door and we both came walking in.

"Where's the tournament?"

"Looks like we're early!" His eyes gleamed as he started the game up.

"So... You're competing for this tournament?"

"I thought I'd give it a shot!" As the game was ready to play he started doing tiny jumps on his seat.

"You're one excited boy" I giggled trying to hide my own excitement.

"Come on, I'll show you how the game works!" He handed me a controller.

"Oh you will?" I played along.

"But may I remind you I'm pretty good at this game~ so for a beginner like you I'm gonna tone it down a bit" he said proudly.

"Just a bit? That's really generous of you Adrien" I said rolling my eyes. "Man, this boy's ego boosted from 1 to 100 real quick" I thought to myself holding back the giggles. Wait til' I show him what I've got.

A few minutes passed by and Adrien 'thought' me basically all the things I knew about this game.

"Okay, so this is the part where we choose our characters" he chose this black catlike character with green eyes.

I immediately went for my main, a deer-like character. A character that's really easy to play, if you know what you're doing.

"Are you sure you wanna go with that one?"

" 'I thought I'd give it a shot!' " I said copying him.

"Ha ha ha, okay just click enter and we're ready to go!"

Adrien started attacking me. I let him hit me here and there. 'just you wait, Agreste'

As my character's health reached halfway I took him by surprise in doing my signature combo.

"DODGE! Ultra blast! Side-kick! mega double punch! And we can't forget about our little speed boost and... KO!" I stood up punching the air celebrating my victory.

I sat back down and put the controller down. I turned to face Adrien who was still caught off guard.

"Thanks for going a 'bit' easier on me" I said nudging him with my elbow.

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now