~Chapter 37~

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Adrien's P.O.V

"Just in you guys! Noah, as in THE Noah Amés, is back here in Paris, France! I heard rumours that he might pay a visit to the very school I'm studying at! Isn't that right (Y/N)?" Alya shoves her phone camera at (Y/N).

"Keyword 'rumoured'" (Y/N) walked away, trying to hide her disappointment.

"Isn't that cool you guys! Coming from Noah's best friend herself, (Y/N) (L/N)! Tune in for more updates here at the Ladyblog!" she quickly ends her live vlog.

"Hey babe, like.. I think we should've kept that our own little secret" Nino said.

"Juicy news like this shouldn't be kept from my viewers!" she continued to scroll on her phone, which was getting tons of notifications.

"O.M.G! My latest vlog is getting thrice the amount of attention as it normally does!" she started walking away, eyes completely glued onto her phone. Nino followed her.

"This isn't good..." I headed over to where (Y/N) was. "Calm down, we don't want you panicking, right?"

"How can I stay calm? Father is going to k i l l me for ratting out news like that!" She started frantically walking back and forth from underneath the school stairs to the nearest bench beside it.

"Well, it was going to spread out sooner or later.. Remember our 'relationship'?" I tried lighting up her mood.

"But that didn't come from me, didn't it?" I think I made things worse. She looks a lot tenser now.

"I'm sure we can explain it to your father" I tried reaching out towards her.

"oh no, no... no explanation can be valid enough to escape his wrath... It was nice knowing you, kinda, Adrien" she's on the verge of crying, yet she still chooses to make remarks like that.

Suddenly a bunch of cars, reporters, cameramen and women, and even students gathered at the entrance of our school. News does spread quick.

(Y/N) ran to the locker area, trying to avoid the mess. I followed her and there she was, engulfing herself into her locker.


I held her hand, pulling her to face me.

"It's going to be alright." I started rubbing circles with my thumb, trying my best to calm her down.

She stayed silent. She's still tense..

I pulled her in for a hug. My chin perfectly resting on top of her head. Wrapping one arm around her, the other rested on the back of her head.

"It's okay.." I said.

She broke free from my grasp. Did I do something wrong? Teary eyes looking up on me.. "It won't, Adrien.. I'm sorry, I'm acting a little over.. Tiny screws ups like this always get big consequences in exchange from father." she looked down, avoiding my gaze.

"There is never an exception, so I'd be much careful in everything I'd do. What if that consequence is Noah?! Having him around lately, gives me comfort. I really need him.."

"I know you two go way back, but I can be here for you too... I care about you, (Y/N)" I cupped her cheek, wiping away a tear.

She looked at me, giving the softest smile. She swiped my hand away and embraced me.

"Thank you, I needed that." She said with an almost inaudible murmur. I hugged her back.

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now