~Chapter 6~

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Your P.O.V

"you got a nice room... a little too much, don't you think?" I said examining every corner of his room.

"my dad goes a little overboard sometimes.." he said closing the door.

"Same with my parents. So... Agreste. Where do we start... hmm... Why not introduce yourself since you already know almost everything about me like being a self-centered spoiled brat... ey?" I said sitting on his bed.

I noticed a magazine with me as it's cover. "Or you can reference all those false facts about me in that." I said pointing at the magazine.

"l-like I said... I'm sorry about that." he said as he sat on his bed a little too distant.

"mhm..." I hummed back

"so.. how did we exactly meet, Agreste?" I said breaking the silence.

"by our parents... we can say that we're forced to date" He said.

"haha you're a jokster I see." I said rolling my eyes at his statement.

He chuckled "By our parents... them working on a secret project with us involved. We talked a lot online and we hit it off since then." he said.

"that's not half bad! We can say we've dated for... 3 months now?" I said as he nodded.

I noticed he was holding the magazine that I threw at him just moments ago.

"Can I take peek at that, Agreste?" I asked pointing at the magazine.

He handed it to me and I quickly flipped through the pages.

"Aha!" I turned to Adrien who was confusedly looking at me.

"When did you start feeling the sparks for me?" I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"I-I noticed t-that... you were... Kind?" he said murmured but clear enough for me to hear.

"Peachy. Hm.. but that'll do." I said.

"How bout me? when did you feel the spark?" he said waiting for a reply from me.

I wanted to reply. But I chocked on my words as they slipped away. I just couldn't bring myself to say it.

"I-I.." was all I could manage to say.

Another really long awkward silence filled the room.

"You know... I don't like this awkward ambiance your room is giving me." I said standing up from his bed.

"Is there a park nearby?" I asked him and he nodded.

"come on." he said as he got up and led me to the park.

~Time Skip~

Minutes later we've arrived at the park and it was stunning the whole walk was basically a long and awkward silence. We both sat really distant on a park bench but before we could say another word to one another we were mobbed with people.

"DID YOU AND ADRIEN HAVE A FIGHT?" a reporter from the mob yelled.

"w-what made you think that?!" I said worried that we might just have blown our cover.

"YOU TWO SEEM DISTANT." another reporter yelled.

"D-Distant?! pshh no! He was just giving me some space to admire the scenery... being the LOVING boyfriend that he is." I said scooting next to him jabbing his side secretly with my elbow. He came to his senses and held my hand.

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now