~Chapter 18~

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

After minutes of ringing Noah finally picked the phone up.


"The one and only!" I said replying back, excitement evident in my voice.

"Damn, I miss you so much. Photo shoots aren't the same without you anymore"

"speaking of photo shoots, I can hear a man yelling spaghetti like a psycho back there" I said laughing.

"is he that loud?" He said now chuckling a long.

I hummed back. I started feeling home sick... I miss being in photo shoots with Noah and our photographer. He'd always boost the mood up by a hundred percent with his funny remarks and expressions when we'd get the poses right.

"He sounds frustrated... is something wrong?"

"yeah, we've been switching from model to model... none of them could replace you"

"well, there IS only one (y/n) (l/n) in this world~" I said teasing him.

"Yeah, and I wish that that (y/n) (l/n) could come home right now..." I felt really sad when he said that and I also wanted that too. I love being in Paris but my home's back in (h/t). That's where my life is, not here in Paris where I'm part of some manipulative scheme that would help the company.

My vision got blurry as tears started forming up. Before any of those tears could start falling, Noah spoke up.

"Is he treating you well atleast?"

"what, who?" I asked.

"that blonde boy who you never spoke up about and is now your so called boyfriend?"

My mouth formed an 'O' as no words nor sounds came out. Shoot, I needed a believable explanation. Noah wasn't like the rest, he was clever. He was with me 24/7 back at home. We know a lot about each other and what each other was up to. How am I going to squeeze Adrien into the equation?!

"I'm waiting for that explanation, (y/n)" he spoke up as if he was reading my mind.

"To start off... he's been really kind"




"Good?" I smacked my self in the forehead as I let out a groan. I had nothing else to say... I ran out.

"Come on (y/n), stop stalling" This is it... I started to feel myself sweating and my legs started to feel like noodles. Noah's gonna see through my lies, I'm a goner. This is going to be the end of our amazing friendship, he's my only friend too!

I did one last internal yell and took a deep breath. "Fine... It started a-" before I could finish he spoke up.

"ugh... I gotta go" He groaned.

I straightened up and started to do a little dance of relief. I was saved by the bell!

"but I NEED that explanation tonight, okay?"


"No more stalling or excuses?"


"okay" he said sternly.

"I'll call you tonight, I really miss you (y/n)"

"I miss you too, loser"

"Not as much as I do, you dork"

I smile crept on my face.

"bye" he said.

Before I could say anything else the call ended.

"Do I smell a game of tug of war?"

I put my phone back in my pocket as I looked at Hunter who floated in front of me.

I gave him a confused look as my eyebrows arced down.

"You know~ tug of war... Adrien pulling tightly as Noah did the same on the other end... tugging on your heartstrings in a battle to see who wins your heart!" Hunter said dramatically as his little arms flung around all theatrically.

I laughed at his little antics. "Noah? fighting for my love?" I started to laugh even more.

"Hey! why are you laughing?!" He said crossing his arms as he made a little humph sound.

"He has a girlfriend you little dummy" I said using my pointer finger to wipe away the tears.

"I guess we have a winner then!" Hunter said squiggling his eyebrows as he floated towards me.

"there's no winner"

"for now that is..." he said as a big snarky grin was on his face.

"oh shut up" Hunter started giggling.

"come on, let's watch the tournament" I said walking towards the library as Hunter flew in my bag.


Hey, I know I said that the Chasseresse chapter was next but I thought that this little filler chapter would help make the story a lot longer~ But... don't worry~~ I have a little surprise coming up! Thank you for the 6k reads by the way! I was really stoked when I found out! I really thought that this book wouldn't get that much attention but :') man, it really made my day. I hope you guys are having a great day too~ Thank you all for the great comments~ I try my best to reply to them, if I can. Until next update <3

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