~Chapter 35~

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Adrien's P.O.V

"Plagg, did you notice anything wrong with (Y/N) the other day?" I asked my Camembert loving Kwamii.

"N-no.." He replied trying to swallow a huge chunk of Camembert on my nightstand. I could smell the putrid stench of it from my bed.

"She hasn't been answering my texts either... You think it's a good idea to call her? It's been days!" I scrolled through my sent messages to (Y/N).

Plagg laughed "Relax, Adrien! I bet your girlfriend's doing just fine! Stop being so paranoid"

Sitting up, I blushed at his reply. "S-she's not my girlfriend! well, technically, she is... BUT SHE'S NOT! You know I only have the hearts for..."

"not again..." Plagg rolled his eyes then diving onto a new slice of Camembert.

"oh~ Ladybug!" I exclaimed now scrolling at our pictures together as Chat Noir.

"Just tell Ladybug you love her" He said flying up to me. The stench of his favourite cheese now growing stronger. I myself have grown quite immune to the smell, but I won't deny it's not the best scent you'll ever lay your nose upon on.

"It's not that simple, Plagg..."

"What's so hard about saying 'I love you?' You love her, don't you? If you don't even have the guts to pursue her... Then you're just infatuated with whatever your feeling towards her."

The things that come out of Plagg's mouth are either camembert or utter nonsense. This time though, it left me speechless.

Do I really love Ladybug?

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Are you okay (Y/N)? You have patrol in a bit, but you haven't been yourself the whole day." Hunter hugged my arm as I'm faced down my bed, succumbing myself onto my soft fluffy pillow.

"I'm just really tired... It's been hectic lately and I'm ready for a break"

"Aren't your photoshoots done?" He started to comfort me by caressing his tiny arm on mine, hugging me softly. I love him.

"Ugh, I have one more this weekend. We're going to a resort for the summer line then right after we're launching the first half of the line..."

"isn't that good?"

"Well, for Mr. Agreste and my parents, it's really well! On the other hand, for me, not so good."

He just hummed, letting me know he's listening and to continue.

"We were supposed to drop the whole line. But since Adrien and I's relationship seemed to appeal well to the media and people... It brought in lots of retailers and new customers. Thus, more clothing lines are being added. Keeping me stuck with fake dating Adrien..."

"Is it really that hard? Or are you just catching the feels for Adrien?" he teased.

"Shut up. I'm far from falling for him."

"Then why does it feel like sticking with Adrien is such a bad thing?"

"I-I... Hunter, antlers on!" I panicked.

He chuckled as he got sucked into my miraculous and I transformed.

"Enough chatting, it's time for patrol."

~Time Skip~

Patrol went well. Nothing happened much, well, aside from an old man having trouble crossing the street.

"Glad you finally showed up, we thought you'd never show up" Ladybug joked.

Rolling my eyes, I panted "Geez, who knew helping somebody cross the street would take ages!"

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now