~Chapter 26~

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Are you two actually..."

'Dating? Is this all just a lie?!' I thought, over and over again.

"Wearing a new collection from Gabriel?" I let out a sigh of relief. I over thought that one.

"Yes it is!" I said.

"We wanted to show you all a little snippet on what's to come with Mr. Agreste's new collection!"

"Don't you mean your future in law?"

My eyes grew wide. I was speechless.

Adrien stammered "d-don't you t-think it's a little too early for... That?"

Nadja chuckled "I'm just teasing"

"Ha ha ha, funny" I said fake laughing, that left me shocked.

She listened closely to the little device once more.

"Hmm okay... So, getting to the real scoop"

"That wasn't the..." She interrupted me with a head shake.

"a little bird told me that you got together for the new Gabriel collection launch?" She said sternly, as if she was on to something.

"W-what?!" Adrien said.

A bunch of audience members gasped and a bunch yelled yes.

"I don't want to believe that either, but we're not getting much chemistry and action here"

"What are you trying to imply? That we're not a thing?" I said.

"Yes" man, she's a really straightforward person.

"We're not getting that much action! The viewers and producers agree too.." she said confidently.

"We're keeping our relationship personal and professional to the viewers" I said.

"We've already said too much about our relationship. We're here to promote my father's new line, not to be in some kind of reality show" Adrien said.

Nadja murmured something frustratingly as she looked down at her watch.

She exhaled and gave us another one of her smiles. The type of smile when you know she's up to something no good.

"Then show us"

Adrien and I exchanged confused and worried glances at each other. Nadja got the idea.

"To make it more clear, why don't you two prove it to us? Isn't it quite weird that you two started allegedly dating the same time the so called 'partnership' was announced?"

She's good.

"We don't have to prove it, because we already said it dozens of times" Adrien said calmly.

"We want to see action! Just a quick peck"

"I'm sorry, we want to keep that to ourselves" I said standing up, frustrated.

"I'm doing my best..." Nadja said to the device.

"Please just-"

I stopped her. "I'm sorry but for the final time no. We're here for an interview, not to publicly make out. If that's what this show's all about then I'm not going to be in it any longer. I'm sorry but if you wanted some action, you got the wrong couple"  I walked out.

"I'm sorry Nadja, we just really want to keep some bits of our relationship to ourselves" Adrien said to Nadja as he caught up with me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now