~Chapter 16~

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Adrien's P.O.V 

I held (y/n)'s hand when I noticed that everyone in the room stared at us. 

"you're sticking with me, okay?" I whispered to her. 

"Thank goodness! thought you'd never say that" she giggled softly at me. 

Before (y/n) and I could reach our seats. We were bombarded with people. 

"(y/n)! can I please get a picture?" 
"can you please sign this?"
"so this is your lady friend, Adrien?" 

"uh... I think (y/n) and I are gonna sit down" But nobody seemed to hear me. I tried taking (y/n)'s bag as she was taking pictures with Rose. 

She shot me a look and smiled quickly when she realized it was me. 'Thank You ' she mouthed. Minutes passed as more and more people started to surround her. I heard the door open and saw a familiar brunette and bluenette walk in the room confusion evident on their faces. I stared at them for what seems like forever. I walked over to (y/n). 

"okay guys, I think that's enough for now" I started to walk away and (y/n) followed me. 

"Ladies first" I said helping (y/n) out as she slid in the seats. I sat down too and I could hear Marinette and Alya behind me murmuring. 

"hey, how's first day so far?" 

"my day?" she said. 

"no, mine" 

She rolled her eyes "ha ha ha" she smirked "you really wanna know, Agreste?" 

"I was... but..." I pretended not to care anymore and to my surprise she tugged my collar towards her as she leaned in.  I flustered up as I felt her warm breath on my ear. "1 word... overwhelming" for some reason I felt my hair shoot up. 

She let go and leaned away. I unknowingly stood still and turned to her "I think that's 'two' words, hun" 

"what's with the sudden pet names... 'hun'?" she teased me as she turned away and started texting on her phone.  

I scooted away and leaned on the booth. 'Got a little carried away there, Adrien' I thought to myself. 

I could hear grumbles from behind. I turned around, I got curious. "Hey Alya!" I waved. 

"Hey Adrieeen" She said elbow bumping a frozen Mari next to her. 

I chuckled "Hi Mari, I see you're early today" I tried teasing her. 

"HAHAHAHA!" She awkwardly laughed out loud catching everybody's attention, including (y/n)'s. 

She scratched the back of her neck and face planted herself on her desk as she groaned. 

"uumm..." I raised an eyebrow at Alya who was shaking her head at Mari. 

"She's just not feeling well today" 

I looked back at her and frowned "hope you feel better soon, Marinette" Her head shot up, face full on red as a tomato. 

"Gee-Tha-Yeah-Um..." A loud thud was heard as she face planted her head once again on the desk, giving out an even louder thud. 

I turned around to face the front of the room. 'was it something I said? Gosh, I must've looked stupid in front of her..." 

"sorry to butt in on your thoughts, Agreste. But, you looked madly stupid!" I didn't notice her whispering next to me. 

"you heard me?!" 

"Yes, I have secret mind reading powers of hearing people mumble" 

"pfft...." I chuckled a bit. "but... did I really look stupid back there?" I said whispering to her. 

"I was joking, Agreste. Not one bit, cheer up" She patted my head and went back on her phone. 

"thanks..." before I could say anything else the bell rang and Ms. Bustier walked in and the day officially started. 

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now