~Chapter 11~

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The first part is filled with lots of descriptions and stuff~ if you're not into those long reads I left a division on where the good stuff happens! Have fun reading!


(Y/N)'S P.O.V

"Hunter... be a little more quiet in there." I whispered to Hunter who was hiding inside my bag that was rested on my lap. 

"(y/n), are you listening?" I looked up to see Mr. Agreste starring at me sternly as I gave him an awkward grin. 

"yes." I said. 

"as I was saying..." He then drifted back to his proposal as I gave Hunter a glare as he gave me a shrug. 

"luck is in our favor because I've designed some outfits that were never released. I was simply waiting for the perfect timing. I believe that this is THAT perfect timing." He said as he showed us the slide in his presentation with a bunch of beautifully designed outfits. 

I starred at them in awe. 

"Those are beautiful Mr. Agreste. The problem is, how are we gonna rush all those designs out?" My mum spoke up.

Mr. Agreste gave her a smirk. "I am one step ahead of you, Mrs. (L/N)." He nodded at his assistant, Natalie, who opened the door in the meeting room to reveal the designs sewed and ready to release. 

Both of my parents gave him a nod in approval. He gave them a pleased grin in return. 

"I can tell that we'll be getting a long pretty well." He said extending his arm out to my father for a handshake. 

"Of course we will." my father said sternly shaking his hand. 

"I'll have my staff do alterations immediately. (Y/N), Adrien... Head to the studio immediately and get ready. Mr. and Mrs. (L/N) and I have some more private things to discuss."

"Yes father." Adrien said getting up. He sat in front of my father as I sat next to my mum who was right beside my father. It was quite a huge meeting room which only had my family and I and Adrien's and his. You can probably imagine how quiet and spacious it was in there. I felt really uncomfortable.

I simply nodded my head as I got up bidding my parents farewell before exiting the room to be greeted with Haley. 

"You better hurry up the pace (Y/N). We need to get there ASAP." She said pressing some buttons on her tablet. 

I nodded. We arrived outside spotting Adrien walking in his limo as I was walking to mine.

I gave him a smile as he nodded back. Talk about improvement. 

I hopped in the car with Haley sitting in front. 

"why are you so smiling all of a sudden?" Hunter asked me his head popping out of my bag. 

I realized that the smile I gave Adrien never left my lips. I blushed "Am I not allowed to smile?" I told him racing an eyebrow. 

"Touche." he said shooting me a deathly glare as he went back in my bag. I giggled quietly at him. 

I felt myself starting to doze off before I bolted up my seat. "(y/n), we're here." 

"w-we are?!" I said rubbing my sleepy eyes. 

I got out of the car and was shocked with the crowd that tried to come near the car. I waved at all of them.

"(y/n), we're on a tight schedule..." I ignored her and approached a bunch of fans asking for an autograph and a picture. Haley gave me an impatient sigh of surrender. She knew that no matter how tight our schedule was I couldn't say no. 

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now