~Chapter 12~

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In case you didn't know ;)

(F/F) - Favorite Food

(F/D) - Favorite Drink


(Y/N)'S P.O.V

I was waiting inside the restaurant for about 5 or 6 minutes now. The restaurant wasn't packed, which I loved. I love the bright and cheery ambiance it gave me. It was kinda helping me with that little ditty I had with Adrien just a while back. I looked down on the menu that I was holding and started to choose food.

"Choose a good one (y/n). You deserve it!" Hunter said popping his little head out of my bag.

"ugh, don't bring that up Hunter... I actually feel bad."

"out of all the people who should feel bad you're not one of em'!" I awed at what the little kwami just said.

"I'm just worried. Things are already awkward between him and I... It'll get even more awkward." I said as I closed the space between me and the menu.

I felt a side hug and a kiss on the top of my head. "I'm sorry for being late, babe." I jumped up a little and saw Adrien.

I looked at him with a slight smile. "It's fine. You better order, I'm starving!" I said giggling.

He chuckled back sitting down as a waiter gave him a menu.

Lunch was quite quick I ended up ordering (F/F) and (F/D) as Adrien ordered Croissants, which I learned was his favorite.

We both decided to walk towards the Eiffel tower but as we left paparazzi and fans found out where we were and started surrounding us. We were trapped inside the restaurant.

I remained calm. I have to admit... I'm used to this. This is just my everyday life.

Adrien was clearly annoyed but he remained calm as well. The restaurant refused to let in the mob that was outside which was really helpful. "I'll call my bodyguard to help us out." he said as he started to dial a number on his phone.

As Adrien was deep in his call the manager of the restaurant approached me. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience Ms. (L/N)." The manager said giving me an apologetic smile.

"Don't apologize, It wasn't your fault." I gave her a reassuring smile in return.

"You and Mr. Agreste can leave through the backdoor. It's not the most convenient place but you won't be mobbed."

"Thank you.. Just a sec." I said. I turned my heel away from her and started walking towards Adrien who just finished his call.

"How'd it go?" He gave me a disappointed look as he shook his head. "ooh that bad?"

He stayed quiet and hesitated for a but then he turned me around, grabbed my arms from behind and made me sit on his lap. The people outside went crazy!

"Sorry this was the only thing I could think off without anybody hearing us..." He said mumbling in my ear. His warm breath against my neck sent me some shivers. His hands squeezed my arms a little bit tightening the hug.

"It's alright." I said whispering as I rested my back on his chest.

"Father heard about the news.. he said that this would be great publicity." he rested his chin on my shoulder. I could tell that he was frowning.

"So that's why..." I said laughing.

"Mhm..." He hummed back chuckling along.

"Well, I think we've given them enough of this. Let's go." I said standing up and pulling his arm. He stood up and followed me as I got my bag and approached the manager.

"lead us the way!" I said putting on my bag as I marched off with Adrien snickering as he followed me from behind.

The manager politely showed us the way and asked one of the employees to check if the back exit was clear and luckily it was! Adrien texted his bodyguard/driver to fetch us off from the back because we couldn't risk on getting mobbed.

After a couple of minutes I thanked the restaurant staff and went inside the car with Adrien letting me go inside first.

"Do you still want to head out for that walk?" He asked me.

"I think it's best if I go home" I cleared my throat after as I looked at how beautiful Paris was.

"okay... you got that sir?" he asked his driver. The driver nodded in return eyes fixed on the road.

"um.. (y/n)?" he piped up.

"yeah?" I said turning to him.

"I-I'm.. sorry by the way... for you know." He said shrugging.

"It's alright, Agreste. I'm sorry for blowing a fuse..." I rested my tired head on the head-rest.

"don't be silly, you have every right to be mad at me." He said as he rested his head on the head-rest as well leaning as he faced me awkwardly smiling.

"you know what? yeah I do." I said trying to lighten up the mood.

His eyebrows popped up and he bursted out laughing afterwards.

I laughed along as well. It felt great that we were hopefully finally getting along with each other.

I gave him a cheeky smile before turning back to face the window and admired Paris.

I finally arrived at my home minutes later after a very quiet drive here. I grabbed a little snack for both Hunter and I and I rushed up to my room. I threw my bag on my bed as Hunter flew out of it.

"That boy has a heart after all!" Hunter said flying towards me.

"I'm not gonna disagree with that." I said handing him an apple slice.

"You wanna patrol around Paris?"

"DO I?!" I said all excited.

"you know the words (y/n)" he said winking at me as he gulped a whole apple slice which got me by surprise.

"Hunter, Antlers on!" I yelled as he got sucked into my hairpin and in a blink of an eye I transformed into Chasseresse and jumped out of my balcony and started running off.


I'm back with another chapter~ ooh will Adrien and (y/n) get a long? I dunno~ maybe? Hope ya'll liked the chapter~ and woah 1k reads already?! do my eyes deceive me? it really means a lot <3 I honestly didn't expect this book to reach that number! Thank you <3 <3 I'm sorry by the way for this filler chappie hehe~ Tune in for the next chapter cause it'll hopefully be a treat for you ;) Until next time~ BYE ;D 

Btw~ I wrote 4 chappies today, Including a chapter that I've been itching to write~ Here's a little spoiler~ That chapter includes a very long time skip~ and I can't wait til' you guys can read it <3 But honestly that chapter is like... set in half of the story but I just couldn't sadly resist on not writing it... 


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