~Chapter 28~

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"You've never tried cotton candy before?!" Nino yelled in disbelief. Passerbys stared at us. Alya noticed I felt uncomfortable and pulled me away as she shot Nino s glare.

"oh my bad dudette" he apologized.

"It's alright. Sorry for being too paranoid" I said staring at the sugary floss of sweetness right in front of me. Alya held out her phone as she started taking a video of me.

"What's that for?" I asked taking a piece of the cotton candy. It was really soft.

"Something to look back on" she said giggling. "Hurry and try some!"

I placed the piece in my mouth. My eyes great as the sugary goodness melted in my mouth as it softly landed on my tongue. I've never tasted something this good ever in my life. I took another bite, followed by another. In a blink of an eye the cotton candy was gone.

"so, how was it? Judging from your reaction-" I cut her off.

"AMAZING!" We all laughed as Adrien and Marinette came walking towards us.

"You've gotta see this!" Alya giggled as she showed Marinette and Adrien the video she took of me.

"Gosh, you devoured it!" Marinette said laughing. 'She finally said something to me' I happily thought.

Marinette was giggling as I saw Adrien smiling at her. I walked towards him. "May I excuse you?" Before he could disagree, I pulled him away.

I smirked at him.

"I'm not buying you cotton candy" he said.

I shook my head. "That's not it"

"Then what is?"

"I see you have a little crush on Marinette" I teased him as I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"W-what?! No... She's just a friend"

"Deny it all you want Agreste~ I see the way you look at her" he started blushing.

"W-what if I do? It's not a big deal" he stammered.

"Don't worry Agreste! I'll set you two up!" I exclaimed.

"Aren't we supposed to be the ones all lovey?" He whispered.

"We're under incognito right now, nobody except for you and I will know about our little secret" I giggled as I held out my pinky.

"Cotton Candy in exchange for an amazing day with Marinette" I whispered at him, raising my pinky up.

"Do we have a deal?" My brow arched up.

He hesitated for a bit then closed the pinky promise. "Fine whatever". I squealed as I dragged him back to the group.

"Hey, I've always wanted to ride a rollercoaster" I said.

"Ooh! I know a good one!" Alya said pulling me away. I turned to Adrien and gave him a little wink and went on running with Alya as the others tagged along.

Alya and I luckily got the first car, Adrien and Marinette got the car behind us, as Nino got the third car with a stranger. "I'm so excited!!"

"I'm honored to be your first seatmate!" Alya said jokingly as I giggled back. I was filled with excitement as adrenaline flowed through me.

I looked over to check on Adrien. They were laughing, I couldn't help but smile. I mentally cheered him on.

"Okay, Next!" I quickly turned to look at the gates open.

"here we go!" Alya said stepping in first, I followed.

"I can do this..." I said over and over again.

"I can do this..." I said starting to feel the nerves.

"I can do this..." I exhaled as I could feel the ride about to start.

"In the count of three" the guy behind the buttons said.

"1.. 2.. 3"

"I CAN'T DO THIS!" I yelled as the rollercoaster went zooming on. I sank down my seat in complete shock. I thought I was gonna scream but I stayed frozen right in place, not peeping a single word nor yell.

After hearing non stop screaming the ride finally came to an end. I stayed quiet as we exited the ride. "So, what did you think?" Alya asked, eager to know what I thought about the ride.

"T-that... WAS FUN!" I yelled. Everybody laughed at me.

We walked around a bit, bought myself more cotton candy and tried out a few games here and there. Sadly, none of us won a carnival prize. As Nino, Alya, and I were chatting up about how great the day was Adrien tapped me on the shoulder and whispered something really alarming.

"We need to leave."

"W-what?! But I'm having so much fun!" I said. It caught the attention of people around us.

"Keep your voice down, They're here"

I was confused for a bit, Adrien noticed it.

"My dad's here." He quickly glanced at them. I looked as well. Shoot, he is.

"Out of all the places, it had to be here" I mumbled to myself as I looked away.

"What's wrong?" Nino asked.

"Mr. Agreste is here... I bet (Y/N)'s parents are too" Marinette said.

"If that's the case then we need to get out of here" Alya said. Adrien and I buried ourselves in our disguises. We looked around and saw a bunch of security.

"I guess they're looking for a place to shoot" I whispered as we sped walked our way out.

Adrien and Marinette went the opposite direction as Alya and Nino assisted me out.

Right as we were leaving, a familiar limo was parked right in front of us.

As I stood in place. One of the limo's windows went sliding down. "Get in the car"

"Father..." I said in shock. Alya and Nino looked away.

"Get in the car"

"I can explain"

"NOW" he yelled sternly. He was pissed.

I kept my mouth shut and walked in. I waved at Alya and Nino before closing the door.

Our driver started driving once I shut the car door. "Father, I can explain"

"Out of all the places, don't you know how crowded these fairs are?! What if somebody recognized you?!" He kept his glance on the road.

"I'm sorry..."

"Who were you with?"

"My new friends and Adrien" he stayed silent.

"It won't happen again"

"It really won't. Haley, check the web if they were spotted, we can't risk it." she nodded.

The tension in the car was thick, luckily we had the car radio on. It was babbling on about the latest news, nothing much really.

"This just in, Adrien Agreste spotted running hand in hand with a girl, who doesn't appear to be (Y/N)? who could this mystery girl be?! Tune in to find out more"


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