~Chapter 32~

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(Y/N) P.O.V


I stood there, frozen in shock.

"I really can't believe you kept these" He said flipping through the old letters and drawings in the box. He put the letter he was reading back in the box and turned to face me.

"Come here, I missed you" He said stretching his arms out for an embrace. As if it was a reflex, I ran towards him without thinking as I let out the loudest yell of joy I could. Since my loft isn't really that big, the impact of my hug back caused both him and me to fall hard on the floor. We both let out a groan from the hard wooden tiled floor. I missed his embrace, the smell of his cologne that stuck heavily on his clothes. He was quite muscular, but it felt right.

We stayed quiet but I noticed that his nerdy reading glasses fell off his face. I reached for them and put it back on. Our silence was immediately replaced with laughter. Suddenly a bunch of footsteps were heard rushing up the steps. "(Y/N) ARE YOU OKAY?!" Adrien yelled as he reached the top.  Both Noah and I looked at him, still in tact in our warm embrace.

"W-who's that?" Adrien asked in confusion. Pointing at the taller brunette who was below me.

"Oh.. O-OH!" I said quickly standing up. I pointed at Noah as I looked at the blonde boy. "Him?"

"Who else?" Adrien said crossing his arms.

"Thanks for the help dummy.." Noah said getting up, fixing his jacket as he pushed his glasses up with his pointer.

"dummy?" Adrien asked.

"Noah. (Y/N)'s bestfriend! Nice to finally meet you" He said resting his arm on my head as he held is arm out for a handshake with Adrien.

"Nice to meet you" Adrien said shaking it back.

My stupid bestfriend turned to face me. "I see you never told him about me... and why haven't you been returning my calls?!" I let out a nervous laugh.

"Oh yeah... I've been caught up with so many things... I forgot" I covered my face from embarrassment. Noah quickly held my wrists and pulled it down to reveal my frown.

"Hey, it's alright. I was just joking" He said laughing. I looked up at him... I hate that cocky grin so much. It kinda reminds me of Chat Noir's flirty smirk, it made a hundred fan-girls squeal; sometimes I did too, internally. Though, we can't fall in love with our fellow superheroes just because of a smirk, right?

Adrien cleared his throat. "Hey, I'm here too.. Are we gonna watch that movie or what?"

"Of course we are! Where's that laptop of mine?" I quickly escaped Noah's grasp and walked to my desk which my laptop rested on. I carried it close to my chest and walked towards Adrien. "You should join us!"

"and third wheel?"

"What are you talking aboout" I said laughing, completely forgetting the fact that the cheese scented boy and I were "dating".

"He means third wheeling with us, babe" Adrien said motioning for me to go down.

An O formed on my mouth. "no, no, no! come on, it'll be fun. Like old times plus Adrien" I  giggled.

"That sounds fun, I'm in" He tailed us down the stairs. I quickly setup the movie and there were already drinks and some delicious snacks all set and ready to eat right on top of my coffee table.

"You guys ready?" They both nodded and I started the film. I sat in the middle of the two. The curtains were closed shut as the lights in my room were dimmed down. The only brightness that lit the room was from my television and laptop screen. My feet rested on top of the table as I munched on some popcorn Noah microwaved for me. I was concentrated on the movie until an arm wrapped around me.

"Noah! you made some of my popcorn spill" I whisper yelled at him which he chose to ignore. I let out a huff of air. "You're cleaning that up" I murmured at him focusing my attention back on the movie.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to face Adrien who threw a blanket at me.

"Hey! What was that for?" I removed the blanket from my face and gripped it tightly with my hands.

"It's getting chilly" His attention was focused on the film as he rested his chin on his arm.

"Geez, you could've just handed it to me" I rolled my eyes.

"You're welcome" I stuck my tongue out. He was right though, it was getting kinda chilly. I leaned towards the table removing Noah's arm from my shoulder as I put the popcorn down. I leaned in back on the couch and wrapped the really warm blanket around me.

I was all snuggled up and warm. My eyed started feeling heavy and little did I know I slowly drifted off into sleep.

Adrien's P.O.V

(Y/N) and Noah both fell asleep in the middle of the movie. I scoffed at both of them. Noah fell asleep on the armrest of the couch using his arms as pillows whilst (Y/N) looked really uncomfortable with her head resting on the backrest of the couch. She's gonna have a stiff neck if she sleeps in like that... I tried not minding it and focused on the movie.

"You're not supposed to care Adrien. Enjoy the film" but my eyes kept diverting from the tv screen to her.

"We do have a photoshoot tomorrow... you better thank me" I whispered, giving in. I placed a pillow on my lap and carefully laid her head on it, trying my best not to wake her up. She started to move and I froze.

"Shoot.." I whispered holding my breath for some weird reason. She shifted facing towards me, pulling her blanket up to her chin. I smiled, she looked really peaceful.

I guess she's less annoying when asleep.

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now