~Chapter 38~

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Adrien's P.O.V

We still had our arms wrapped around one another. No words were said, just silence between us... Well, maybe also the orchestra of journalists, reporters, and the occasional screams of teenage girls outside. Still, it felt like we were inside our own little bubble, just us two, enjoying each other's company.

I could feel her heart beating. It's beating so fast, it feels like my own couldn't keep up with hers. Amidst the chaos, it felt nice.

I wish I could hold onto this feeling.


(Y/N) quickly took her phone out. "It's Father.." I smiled at her, trying my best to encourage her that it's going to be okay.

Putting the phone up to her ear she gave a slightly awkward "H-hello Father..." as she walked towards the window. I walked towards my locker, giving her privacy.

As I was unlocking the lock, the door slammed open and shut. I turned my head to check to see who it was, being careful it isn't any of the media.

It was tall guy panting. He wore a lengthy jacket, a black mask covering half of his face, sunglasses and a hat covering the other half and his hair. He looked suspicious to me.

He eyed (Y/N), with her attention all on the phone call with her father. He quietly walked towards her. 'Who is this creep?' I thought to myself.

Making my way towards him, I grabbed him by the sleeve. "Not on my watch" I said sternly, face to face with this stranger.

"Hey! It's okay, It's me..." He took his hat off, removing his sunglasses, and sliding his mask down to his chin.

"NOAH!" (Y/N) ran towards him, engulfing the 'stranger' into a hug.

"Miss me already? We just saw each other yesterday" Noah chuckled as he hugged her back.

"What are you doing here?! I just got out of a call with father, I thought everything was cancelled ?!" She said breaking free of the hug.

"I arrived right before people started to swarm the place, popped on a "disguise", and here I am!"

He turned to me. "It's nice seeing you again, dude"

"Yeah, you too" I said.

"Come on! You're just in time for lunch! Having lunch in school is soooo much fun!" (Y/N) dragged Noah along with her.

"YOU DUMMY!! I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SEEN!! MY GENIUS DISGUISE... WAIT!" Noah yelled, trying to cover himself up again.

I wish I could hold onto that feeling longer.

- Time Skip -

Finally catching up on the two, they had already gotten their lunches from the cafeteria and were now seated on one of the cafeteria tables.

"Adrien! I got you yours!" she smiled at me, her eyebrows moving up and down mischievously. "Aren't I the best or what?"

I sat down in front of her. "I'm glad you still remembered me" I joked.

"Why would I ever forget you?"

"Why aren't you ever that kind to me back home?" Noah teased her.

"Adrien gets 'Boyfriend rights', you get nothing" she said as she ate her lunch.

"Man, enjoy those rights because without it, she's a pain" Noah said to me.

"She still is even with it" He chuckled.

"GUYS! My story b l e w  u p! It's all over the media!" Alya came running towards us, frantically scrolling through articles on her phone.

"I haven't seen to notice..." (Y/N) said sarcastically. Clearly she's still pissed.

"Alya wait!" Marinette yelled trying to catch up with Nino alongside her.

"A-Adrien! EEP" she gave me a big smile as she slowly hid behind Alya. She might've seen Noah and gotten shy again.

"Dude! where'd you guys go?! We thought we lost you to the paparazzi again" Nino sat beside me.

"(Y/N) had to take a call with her father about Alya's vlog. I couldn't leave her with the chaos happening" I explained.

"About my vlog?" Alya spoke up, finally looking away from her phone.

"You published the secret I trusted you with, Alya. I got into trouble because of that." (Y/N) said sternly. Not even giving Alya a single look.

"I-I didn't know..." Alya stuttered.

"I though that you'd put being friends first, than spilling tea to the public. I lost my shot at having somebody I can actually be around with freely! Now I can't even have that..." She finally looked at her, teary eyed.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I got carried away. I was just too excited. I'll delete my vlog-"

"It's okay.. what's done is done. Just promise me you'll put your friendships first..." she smiled at her.

"I promise." she smiled back.

"Well, that was touching..." Noah said.

"And who might you be?" Alya asked, sitting beside Noah.

"The guy in the news you seemed to broadcast" He chuckled.

"Y-YOU'RE?!" Alya stutterd as she quickly unlocked her phone.

Not again... "Um.. Alya?" (Y/N) called for her attention.

"Right.." she gave (Y/N) an apologetic grin and turned back to face Noah.

"Hey, I'm sorry by the way. When I have a good story, the journalist in me just can't keep her mouth shut"

"No sweat! You forgot to mention one thing though.." He inched towards Alya.

"You forgot to mention how handsome I am" I rolled my eyes. This guy is such a flirt, wonder how he got so close to (Y/N). Nino wasn't amused either.

"Hey Dude! I'm Nino, let's get back to eating lunch! Shall we?" He said, walking inbetween Alya and Noah. Tugging that flirt along with him to get Noah away from his girl. You go Nino!

(Y/N) turned to face me. "Why can't you be that cute?" She sighed. Chasing after the two shortly after.

"W-what?! What do you mean cute? (Y/N)!! Come back here!!" I tried catching up to her.

"Still as oblivious as ever, Agreste" Alya laughed, following along soon after.

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now