100k special

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Before I start this... oh my actual... 100k?! AAAH I never imagined this fanfic getting this amount of reads and votes and comments and AAH!! I'm so so sorry for being inactive. A lot of personal things happened to me recently and I just didn't have the motivation to do anything... I don't deserve all of you tbh~ but I'd like to thank you for all your support and for all the love you've given to this fanfic! I couldn't thank you enough! After being gone for who knows how long~ here's the winner of the poll I did ages ago~ p.s I'm not that happy with how this turned out...

Hope you love
- Haunted Houses -

Y/N's P.O.V

"I can't believe we're doing this.." I murmured as I crossed my arms.

"Come on Y/N, it's just a haunted house" He held his hand out for me to grab. He's been trying to get me out of the car for a couple of minutes now. No way am I going inside one of those.

"Exactly~ it's 'haunted' I'm not really good with getting spooked" I fidgeted with my thumbs.

"Please? You know we have no choice"

"Still not going" that put Adrien into deep thinking until...

"I'll treat you dinner" he laughed when he saw my eyebrow cocked up.

"I'm listening..."

"It'll just be between you and I" he leaned in closer to whisper.

"Why so?"

"We're gonna go against our diet... whatever you want"

"Oh fuck it" I said without any hesitations. I scooted out the door as Adrien helped me go down. He looked at me with a big smile as if he just finished a really hard jigsaw puzzle.

"Okay.. let's get this over with. I'm hungry" They lead both Adrien and me towards the filming tent right outside the haunted house. There were a bunch of cameras and quite a large filming crew.

"Glad you're finally out. Just stand over there and read the monitor for your introduction." The producer said without a pause. That's when we knew he wasn't gonna be happy with any more other delays.

We quickly head our way towards the spot he pointed. Cameras started to shift places, trying to get the perfect shot for the video. A huge monitor came wheeling our way. As one of the crew turned it on, the director yelled into his little cone "Everybody! Quiet on the set. We are starting in 3...2...1"

"I'm Adrien Agreste and this lovely lady beside me is (Y/N) (L/N)" I waved into the camera as Adrien wrapped his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"So, due to popular demand we're doing what the people want. (If you get that reference... I love you) and what you guys want is for us to go inside one of those horrible contraptions" I said going out of the script a little. People started to chuckle, including Adrien.

"If you guys didn't know (Y/N) and Horror don't mix" Adrien rubbed my head as he placed his hands in his pockets.

"That's absolutely true! But, since it's what the people want, it's what the people will get... So what are we waiting for?" I said as I dragged Adrien towards the really creepy building.

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now