~Chapter 29~

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"(Y/N), did she just say..." Father paused for a bit and exhaled furiously. "Adrien Agreste?"

"Yes" I said in a high pitched tone. You can clearly tell that I was extremely nervous.

"Haley" he called out sternly. I'm surprised he still hasn't blown a fuse.

"Contact Gabriel about this situation. You..." he turned to the driver. "Agreste Mansion".

"Right away sir" she said as the driver just gave him a nod.

I tried calming myself by doing little breathing exercises as I fumbled with my thumbs.

Haley was already on the phone with Natalie as Father was on the phone with mother. Not good.

I love both my parents, but when they're extremely ticked off when things don't go there way... All hell is loose. I was mentally preparing myself for what's up to come as we drove right in the Agreste Mansion.

We all went down the car and escorted right inside. I felt like my whole body was about to melt. I looked around for Adrien, no sign. Guess he's still out.

"I heard the news" A stern voice echoed. I turned around and met eyes with an incredibly calm Gabriel Agreste. Though, I could tell he was indeed furious.

"They've been spotted multiple places now. I told Natalie to shut the rumors down, but paparazzi is hard on Adrien and that... Girl's tracks" he hissed, clearly pissed.

He turned to me. "He's supposed to be with you" I awkwardly laughed. Before I could break down into a stuttering mess trying to defend myself, thank the heavens father butted in.

"Let's discuss this in a room, let's calm down a bit and start once my wife's here" he said rubbing the bridge of his nose.


Adrien's P.O.V

Marinette and I ran hand in hand as we escaped the fair. I couldn't stop blushing. We finally came to a stop by an alley where we hid. "That. was. close" I said breathing heavily in between my words. I was clearly out of breath.

"I hope they got out without getting caught" Marinette said, worrying that her friends might have gotten caught.

"I think they did..." We stood there awkwardly, not peeping a single word as we looked away from each other.

I wanted to talk to her, start a conversation. I may not have another perfect timing like this again. Alone with Marinette.

"We should head home" she said as she turned around. I grabbed her wrist, stopping her from leaving.

"Wait... L-lets..." I couldn't think of anything. I was flustered.

"I- I think we're safe... Let's go on a... stroll?" I said trying my best not to make a fool out of myself. I'll show (Y/N), I can do this.

She stared at me. "I-I love y- I me-mean not you- no wait! I just... I l-LOVE that idea" she suddenly gave me a wide toothy grin as she rubbed her neck. I chuckled at her antics.

I fixed my disguise and unwrinkled my shirt. "I believe the park is this way" I said awkwardly pointing to the direction of the park as she chuckled and walked along "o-okay!" She said walking off. I followed alongside her.

"So..." I said.

"So..." she said.

I don't know what to say. I have no clue, nada. "So, how's school?" I mentally slapped myself.

"Still boring as ever... you're there though... B-BUT YOU AREN'T YOU ARE WONDERFUL I-I mean... school's alright.. I guess hehe" I honestly couldn't catch up with what she was saying. I just did the most polite thing I could think about and that is to just smile and nod at her.

"Okay... Hey we—" I was cut off.

"Adrien Agreste! Aren't you dating (Y/N) (L/N)?" A reporter said walking right at us.

"W-what? You got the wrong person" I said in a muffled voice as I lowered my hat.

"Who is this girl to you?" Another one said as if magically appearing right in front of me.

"You've got the wrong person" I said again. I turned to a flustered Marinette and whispered "let's go" I grabbed her arm and started running off, which thankfully caught the paparazzi off-guard and got to run away before they multiplied.

Marinette and I ran as fast as we could and hid behind a dumpster.

"How did they notice me..." I said in confusion.

"I-I think it's better if we head home" Marinette suggested. I stayed quiet.

"Yeah..." I said in a low yet very anxious tone. Marinette waved goodbye as she headed home.

I stayed behind. "I can't let this go viral. Plagg, claws out!" In a flash I was Chat Noir. I extended my staff as I shot right up in the air, checking to see if the reporters were still there. To my luck they still were.

I swiftly made my way down to the park as the journalists exchanged info and theories. I made distractions as I threw rocks to make them look away as I either used my staff to 'accidentally' hit the camera from their hands which caused them to fall or use my staff to break the cameras.

I checked in on the journalists and I think its all clear. All of them were confused and bent down to see their broken cameras. I felt bad, but this was my last resort.

I quickly dashed off and went to scurry home before father notices that I haven't gotten home from school yet. I let out a breath of relief.

Let's hope this doesn't reach father. I thought to myself.

Third Person P.O.V

What the black feline didn't know was that a lucky reporter immediately hid his camera right in his bag as Marinette and him fled, and after the incident with the other journalists he wanted it up on every news outlet ASAP. He just couldn't let a juicy story like this pass.


Hey! I'm sorry if this chapter was bad~ I had to rush this cause I've been busy with the holidays! Belated Merry Christmas everyone! I wasn't just 'wrapped' around Christmas~ but today's also my birthday ~~~ wieee I'm another year older ;'D

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading this book! I hope you all have a wonderful day ❤️


Yes, My presents for Christmas and my Birthday are combined. :'D which yes, sucks.

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now