~Chapter 36~

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3rd Person P.O.V

"I missed school and especially you guys so much!" Alya, Marinette, Nino, and Adrien laughed at the (h/c) haired girl shoving her food, (f/f), happily in her mouth.

"Couldn't disagree with you, Babe. Eat slower! I don't want you choking on that" Adrien said rolling his eyes, chuckling at her childish behavior.

"But food tastes a lot better with the people you love!!!" barely understandble, (Y/N) munches on her food even more.

"We get it girl! You missed us heaps, but Adrien's right" Alya adjusted her glasses, shaking her head at the two lovebirds. As much as her heart breaks for her best-friend, Marinette who's staying awfully quiet since the couple's return, has to admit these two were the cutest couple she's ever laid her eyes upon. Though, she's more than happy with what her and Nino have.

"Aww really missed having you two around! It's been like what? weeks since you two went m.i.a?" Nino spoke up. Of course he missed his best bro, Adrien. He treats him as his brother from another mother, a friend for life!

Despite Adrien's strict father, he wanted his best-friend to live life freely like a normal teenager would! So he'd try everything in his power to help Adrien out and he's happy that (Y/N) is doing the same for his best dude. As for (Y/N), he hasn't known her for as long as he knew Adrien, He always had loads of fun whenever he'd get a chance to hang around her. She even asked Nino if he could teach her a thing or two about DJ-ing.

Why on Earth would Adrien keep somebody like a girlfriend, a secret from him? Didn't he trust him? He quickly got rid of that idea and knew that Adrien had nothing but good intentions as to why.

Though, He wasn't quite sure of their relationship at first. The two didn't seem like a couple for the first few weeks of being "official" to the public. Nothing but endless bickering. Maybe that's normal for two people who'd just met each other in person, they were long distanced and were used to seeing each other through their screens. He shrugged to that idea.

As time passed by he noticed the two starting to get used to one another. Sometimes Adrien would nonstop text him asking if (Y/N) was doing alright and to keep an eye on her whenever he'd have photoshoots without her. His blonde haired best-friend would even rant to him about how careless his girlfriend could be. He even went on an hour long rant on the phone when (Y/N) and him were studying in the library.

"An accident like that could have been prevented if she could've just let me help her carry her things!" Adrien nagged through his silver phone.

"Chill dude, it wasn't even an accident" He  snickered at his paranoid friend through the other end of line.

"This isn't funny Nino! It could've been one if I hadn't caught her! I swear if-" and Adrien just kept rambling and rambling. Nino could even recall how he fell asleep seconds after his rant.

He couldn't help but laugh at that memory. Those two have had endless bickers, some cute ones he had to admit. They weren't the lovestruck couple everybody saw them as on blog posts, paparazzi shots, or even news articles. Adrien and (Y/N) seemed like such the polar opposite.

They don't admit they love each other often, but he knows those two share this flawless chemistry, even in times when they're not even trying.

Alya and Nino shared similar thoughts about the two... Yet a bluenette with a pair of pigtails thought otherwise.

It was a  bitter feeling finding out that the love of her life, Adrien Agreste whom she was totally obsessed with, to the point she even managed to memorize his complete everyday schedule, had a secret girlfriend this whole time!

Seeing the rumoured articles, she refused to believe whatever they said. Not unless she sees actual proof with her own two blue-bell eyes. Confident that the news was fake, like any other dating rumours Adrien had, her heart dropped when she saw a live T.V News coverage of Adrien Agreste himself, hugging his long distance girlfriend who had just arrived in the airport at that time. It hurt.

She knew she had to stay strong and fight whatever negativity she felt inside. Ladybug can't and never should fall victim to one of Hawkmoth's akumas.

Another thought popped into her head. What if she had confessed? Would Adrien even return her feelings? Would it have been her instead of... (Y/N)?

(Y/N). Wherever she was, whoever she was with, always had seemed to lighten up everybody's spirits. She was quite an awkward person at first, but then she loosened up as she got to know the people around her. She was kind, thoughtful , a but stubborn at times but everybody still loves her come what may... Well, except Chloe.

She couldn't seem but to get jealous of her. She had everything! The looks, the brains, the confidence, and even her man! well, he was never hers in the first place..

As much as she wanted to hate her, there was just something about (Y/N) that drew comfort in her. The (h/c) haired girl is a total stranger in her eyes, not even once grabbing the chance to get to know her. Yet, she knew that she was genuine and true. Maybe that's why Adrien fell in love with (Y/N)... and not her.

This time it tasted bittersweet, but at least she knew he was with somebody worthy of his love. It may not be her by his side, although, there was never a day she still wishes it was. Marinette wants nothing but a strong and everlasting love shared between the two. A love she wished she could've given and shared with Adrien. Sadly, despite being the lady of luck. Luck wasn't on her side on this one.

'They're both so lucky to have one another'


I tried reading the first few chapters of this book to get a good grasp of what I had in mind... I might edit those chapters sooner or later cause wow, wtf?

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