~Chapter 4~

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For those of you who do not know what this is~

F/C - Favorite Color 


Your P.O.V

We finally arrived at the airport in France and I was waiting for my bags to show up from the conveyor. It was getting quite chilly so I put on my (F/C) sweater. 

People around the airport started to notice me and ask for pictures and autographs. The only thing that bothered me a lot was when they were asking about me and Adrien's relationship and how'd it happen. I stayed quiet and smiled at them cause we didn't come up with a good backstory for our so called 'relationship'.

Finally for what seemed like forever my bag finally showed up and as I grabbed for it people started squealing but I chose to ignore them. 

Suddenly I felt somebody slightly lean on me and I could feel this person's warm breath against my ear which made me tingle a little. Suddenly the person whispered "Don't move." I froze as the person carried my bags for me and placed them on the floor. 

I turned around and saw him. "Hey, love" He said to me not even making eye contact. 

I stood there confused at what was just happening until it all came back to me. "A-adrien?" I said in shock. 

"The one and only" he said still trying lock eye contact with me smiling, I didn't though. 

He suddenly hugged me "Just go with it." He whispered kissing my forehead.

I hugged back still dazed and awkward. Suddenly, flashing lights and people started surrounding us. 







"Sorry everybody, me and m'lady don't have time to answer all your questions but we'll get to them as soon as possible. (Y/N) just came from her flight and needs some rest... Isn't that right love?" he said turning to me as he pulled me closer to him. I looked at him and nodded but he quickly looked away. 

He led me through the crowd with what I think was his bodyguard as we arrived to what I assumed was his limo. 

"Don't worry, your parents went ahead to chat up with my father." he whispered at my ear as people still kept taking pictures and asked us really loud questions. 

He opened the door for me and I got in, he soon followed. 

"Thank you." I said shuffling to the other end as he sat on the other. 

He hummed in reply not even looking at me. The whole car ride was felt with awkward silence. Well, except for my thoughts that is. What if people didn't buy it?! What would father think?! Adrien must hate me cause he did almost all the talking and lovey dovey stuff.... 

I quickly glanced at him. He was staring out the window. I guess he's lost in his own thoughts too...  Suddenly, I didn't notice that I was still staring at him and looked back at me. 

"what?" he said at me slightly frowning. 

"n-nothing..." replied looking away immediately. 

dammit (Y/N)! he must think that I'm crazy or something. 

After another long car ride filled with silence we finally arrived at my place. I didn't sleep at all in the car... I was still trying to process all this.

"(Y/N), we're here.." Adrien said slightly shaking my shoulder. 

"w-what? Oh yeah, thank you." I said waving goodbye to him as he just nodded at me. 

Jeez, this boy must really hate my guts right now... I'm not that bad. At least get to know me for crying out loud.

I got out of the car as his bodygaurd/driver helped me with my bags. 

"At least SOMEBODY HERE is actually being a GENTLEMAN" I said slightly amplifying some words a bit. 

"Thank you" I said to the man as he gave me a cheeky smile and drove off. 

"Isn't that boy peachy, huh?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw it was my mum. 

"Oh boy, I have a lot to tell you!" I said hugging her.

"Let's settle in before we have some girl talk... alright?" she led me inside the huge house.

"mhm..." I said following her in. 


EYYY~ Another chapter for you guys... in ONE DAY?! this is a new world record for me! thought that it was a good idea on posting the first four chapters for you guys in exchange for all those days that I was  inactive. I hope you guys are loving this book so far! Give me some feedback cause it'll sure help out a lot! By the way I want to point out the name change~ for you guys who haven't noticed that I changed my name... well~ I changed it hoho~ Have a wonderful day everybody~ byyeeee!

Edit: 04/11/18

Hey, so I changed the chapters up a bit so I can give y'all a better story. I hope you all are loving it so far... And to those who are following this story I'm sorry for all the accidental publishes ahahah It's currently 2:40 am in the morning so I'm a bit drowsy at the moment. Thanks for giving time on reading this little A/N and chapter! Bye ^_^

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