~Chapter 25~

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Wait, so we're not going to school?!" I said in disbelief.

"For the hundredth time (Y/N), yes!" Haley said with a frustrated sigh at the end. She pushed back a loose piece of hair and focused her attention on the road.

I sat there in silence. I scooted forward and leaned towards her. I placed my hand on her car seat.

"So, where are we going?"  I said with a smirk.

Haley faced me once more, clearly still annoyed. "An interview"

"What?! Already? I thought we'd meet up with the body language coach, mentor, whatever you call him!" I said starting to panic a bit.

"How did you know?" She said leaning back on her seat as she checked my schedule out.

I murmured... "Er, Adrien told me"

"Hmm, I see. The Interview was set up for tomorrow but we had to switch some things up" she said calmly as always whilst here I am ready to burst with panic.

"What if we get caught?! What if we aren't believable?!"

"Chill (Y/N). We're meeting up with the mentor right before the interview"

"Okay... Okay..." I'm just gonna hope for the best.

My phone buzzed. As if right on cue.

A - Did you hear about the news?!

Y- Just did 😓

A - At least we read the script

Y- you're right! This is gonna be a lot easier~

A - I bet I'll do better than you 😼

Y- Says who?

A - says me

Y- We'll see about that, Agreste.

"(Y/n), we're here" Haley said getting off the car.

I looked up and saw that we were in an underground parking lot.

"I didn't even notice!" I said laughing.

Haley closed the door and opened mine. I shuffled my way out. "Texting with Noah again?" She asked.

"Umm... N-not exactly..."

Haley escorted me inside the building "oh? Then who is it?" She raised a brow.

I whispered "Adrien..." Then started talking normally again. "But that doesn't really matter" I awkwardly laughed. She stayed silent.

We came across Adrien's assistant. "Glad you're here. The mentor will be here shortly" she opened the door and revealed a little studio waiting room. It had a bunch of couches, a running tv of the show we're going on, a snack bar, a make up and hair area, and an Adrien Agreste sitting patiently waiting by a table, reading the script, eating a chocolate croissant.

"Hello there, Croissant Boy~" I teased.

He smiled and waved at me. "Well look who it is"

"I'll be out here with Natalie. If you need anything just call" I nodded and sat beside him.

"Why are you the only one with the script here?!"

He looked at me with confusion, wiping his mouth clean of croissant crumbs. "Didn't you see the copy I left?"


He chuckled "I'll take that as a no. Here you can use mine" he placed his hand on top of the stapled pieces of paper an pushed it towards me.

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now