~Chapter 19~

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As I entered the room I was greeted by loud yells, chants, and clapping. I tapped on a brunette's shoulder, she was with that blue haired girl... I wonder where she went.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Adrien won the first round! We're on the second round right now, it's a really close fight"

"He finally got a taste of that victory, huh?" I said laughing

"Listen here buddy. Adrien's a great---"

She quickly turned around. She never finished her sentence but I could feel she was cross with me... Or so I thought. "OMG! You're (Y/N) (L/N)!! Can I take a little video with you for my vlog?"

"Why not" I said smiling

The girl quickly took her phone out and pushed her glasses up with her finger. In a matter of seconds she started filming. "What's up you guys! This isn't an update about Ladybug... But, I'm with a very special person! She's a teen model and is allegedly dating our very own teen model, Adrien Agreste!"

She turned and pointed the camera at me "It's the lovely, (Y/N) (L/N)!"

"Hey there" I said as loud as I can, the students started cheering.

The girl pointed her camera, which was also her phone by the way, back to her. "It's pretty loud in here cause we're in a middle of a tournament! But I couldn't resist!"

She points it back at me. "So (Y/N), how's Paris so far?"

"Absolutely AMAZING!" I yelled.

"How about Adrien? How's your relationship with him been?"

I tensed up a bit. "Adrien, is a really sweet guy. But we'd love to keep our relationship private for now..."

"I see, from my sources we've gotten footage of you and Adrien having a really fun time before the tournament"

"What... Fun time?" I asked, clueless on what this girl is talking about.

She points it back to her. "I'll be posting that video soon. I don't want to hold (Y/N) back, she does need to cheer for her man!" And points her camera at Adrien who was battling against this other student.

"Tune in for more news updates about everything that's related to Paris and our favorite superhero pair, here at the Ladyblog!" Then she ends her video.

"I see you've got an eye for the new.... Uh" I never got her name.

"It's Alya" she said extending her arm out with a big smile.

"It's nice to meet a new friend! But I have to go and... Cheer for Adrien" I said waving goodbye.

I dashed off and finally got closer to Adrien just in time as he won the game securing a spot in the tournament.

"Adrien moves up the leaderboard and secures a spot in the tournament!" The announcer said as tons of students cheered.

I couldn't stop smiling. He shook hands with his opponent, who looked really disappointed, and started walking towards my direction.

"What did I tell you? I was just going easy on you" he said smiling triumphantly at his win.

I elbowed him. "Shut up, Agreste. You're lucky I wasn't your opponent" I teased him. He rolled his eyes at me.

"You should compete (Y/N)! You can actually secure a spot and compete with me!"

"Nah, I might lower your ego down with my amazing skills. But thanks for the offer" I said ruffling his hair.

"Can you at least help me train?"

"So, you're admitting that I'm better than you?"

"N-No! I just need an equal.." he stammered.

I hummed back, just going with the flow"1 crepe with an ice cream on top per hour... Deal?!" I said extending my arm out.

"Deal." He said without hesitations as he shook my hand.

Suddenly the announcer spoke "it seems like we have a new challenger! MARINETTE!"

Suddenly Adrien turned his attention to the announcer, I followed.

Adrien smiled and walked towards Marinette. He handed his controller over to her as he wished her good luck by patting her shoulder.

He walked back to me, a small tint of pink was etched on his cheeks.

"Someone has a crush~" I whispered.

"She's just a friend, okay?"

"Whatever you say, Agreste" I said chuckling. We both started cheering and clapping as the game started. Adrien cheered the loudest, of course. In the end Marinette won and shook hands with the same opponent as last time. She knocked both Adrien and that other student a rank down, securing the top spot!

I gotta admit, she's pretty good. As everyone started cheering and encircling Adrien and Marinette, who are both the representatives for the tournament. I congratulated them both but my eye caught the student who lost walking out the library with his head down.

I ran out to follow him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, are you okay... Uhmm"

"Max, my name's Max" he said as his back was turned away from me.

"Max, I'm sorry you lost... Maybe there's another way?"

He turned to me, frowning. Holding back tears that wanted to fall so badly. "Look, I'm fine. I lost fair and square but if you don't mind... I'd like a little solitude"

I couldn't say anything else, I felt happy for Adrien and Marinette but really sad that Max had to give his position up... So, I just let him walk away.

I walked back into the library. 'I can at least be happy for Adrien, I guess' I thought to myself.

"So, Marinette Dupein-Cheng and Adrien Agreste will represent Francois DuPont highschool at the Paris Ultimate Mecha Strike III tournament, good luck to both of you" The principal said as everyone cheered.

I wanted to feel happy for both of them... But something felt wrong... It feels like something bad's gonna happen... And I don't like this feeling, one bit.

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now