~Chapter 24~

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Adrien's P.O.V

"Well, that was quick!" (Y/N) said as she stretched her arms tiredly giving out a little yawn.

"It was, wasn't it?"

"Is this interview tomorrow?" She asked trying to keep her eyes wide open.

"Father hired a coach to make it look like we're an actual couple... we have a practice interview tomorrow" I said as I fixed my stuff getting ready to leave.

When I looked up I noticed that she already fell asleep. I placed my bag's strap on my shoulder as I tucked her in.

"I'll be going now... night" I said, voice toned down.

"take care" she said with a really raspy voice. I looked back at her thinking that she might still be awake. Her eyes were still shut. I smiled one last time as I headed out.

I went down her loft and saw her balcony open. I made sure she was still asleep as I quickly went outside the balcony and shut the door.

"Plagg, you there?"

"Barely! Listening to you and (Y/N) swoon all over each other was so... boring!"

I rolled my eyes at him. "We were reading off of scripts"

"Mkay, next time let's not sneak out just to 'read scripts' with (Y/N), okay? Oh wait, you told her it was your dad's order!" He gave me a smug grin.

"I just wanted to get this done and over with!" I said shaking the script at his face.

"Excuses, excuses. Just transform already" the little brat said crossing his arms.

I groan. "Plagg, claws out!" I whisper yelled as I quickly transformed into Chat Noir. I leaped off her balcony and jumped on a couple of rooftops. I loved admiring the City's lights at night. They were absolutely breathtaking. I continued to hop rooftop to rooftop  until I reached my home. I was about to slip through my windows like I always do.

I tried pushing on one the window I left unlocked but it wouldn't budge "shoot, It's locked".

They know I'm not home... I went to hide by a tree and Di-transformed.

"Plagg, claws in!" I turned back into Adrien and sneaked into my house.

I'm almost up the flight of stairs... just a little bit more and I'm safe in my room. I tiptoed my way, as quiet as I can. Luck wasn't on my side though. I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

I immediately knew who it was. "Good evening, Father" I turned around .

"And where have you been? We were worried sick" he sternly said as his right brow lifted up. It didn't seem that way. He seemed more sarcastic than worried about me.

"I'm sorry Father, I was at the (L/N)'s place"

He sighed. "What were you doing there?"

I immediately took the script out of my bag and waved it at him. "We were just practicing"

He closed his eyes in frustration. After a couple of seconds he looked me right in the eye. "Very well. You could've done that with the mentor tomorrow than rehearing that at this time of the night. You could've spent the time for beauty sleep or practicing the piano!"

"I'm sorry Father" I apologized once more.

He turned around facing his office. "I don't want to remind you once more but keep in mind that your relationship with that girl is strictly business. Am I clear?"

"We were just practicing! Weren't you guys the main reason on why we're doing this?"

He paused for a bit. "Am I clear?" He said a little bit louder this time.

I was choking back on my words. "Loud and clear Father" I faced down as I gripped on my bag's strap closing my eyes to get a hold of myself.

I could hear his expensive shoes tap against the floor creating little echoes in what felt like  our empty abode.

Once the sound was gone I opened my eyes and saw a peeping Kwamii from under my shirt. "Some Camembert will surely make you feel better!" Plagg whispered.

I smiled at the little kwamii but it was immediately replaced with badly scrunched up eyebrows and a flat lined lip which was trying not to frown.

The laughter and happiness I felt from practicing that stupid script with (Y/N) was immediately replaced with sadness and disappointment from my own father.

I turned around ready to walk right into my prison cell of a room. With my head hung low and shoulders down. I stopped right by my doorstep as I opened my shirt a little as Plagg's head popped up from underneath it.

"I'm sorry Plagg, it just won't today"

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now