~Chapter 9~

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Y/N's P.O.V

I hopped on my balcony and entered my room. "Hunter, Antlers off." I said tiredly plopping on my bed as Hunter popped out of my hairpin.

"Did you have fun?" Hunter asked me whilst floating on top of my stomach.

"It was amazing! I even met Chat Noir just moments ago... I felt like a whole new different person when I met him." I told Hunter as I blushed but it turned out more of a mumble when I started to mention Chat.

"I can't wait for you to start fighting crime (Y/N)!" He said as he layed down my tummy.

"Me *grumble*... too?" I said puzzled scooping Hunter up with my hands as I sat up.

"What was that?" I asked Hunter in confusion.

He gave me an awkward laugh "hehe that's me... I'm a little low on energy. Do you have any... Fruits?"

"Yeah! I know I have a bag of apple slices in the fridge."

I place Hunter on my shoulder where he hid inside my hair. I tried to be cautious just to be safe.

I opened the fridge door. "I know  it's in here somewhere." I whispered at Hunter.

"Hurry up (Y/N).... I'm hungryyyy" Hunter said as his stomach grumbled even more.

I spotted the the bag. "AHA! I found it. Don't worry Hunter you're gonna get stuffed af-" I said whilst reaching for the bag but I was cut off with a tap on my shoulder and I jumped.

"(Y/N), are you okay? Did I startle you?" Haley asked me.

"A bit, it's fine." I said scatching the back of my neck pushing Hunter in my hair to hide as I smiled at her. I turned around and grabbed the bag and showed it to her. "Just got a bit hungry." I said.

She raised an eyebrow. "Okay, you better get some rest now. You have school tomorrow." She said closing the fridge for me.

"Right... Thanks for the reminder." I said waving her goodnight and she nodded her head at me and moments later we headed off opposite directions.

As I was right outside my door with the bag of apple slices and Hunter still on my shoulder. "That was close!" I whispered to Hunter as I huffed some air out opening my bedroom door.

"Too close" he said jumping in the bag of apple slices. I could hear him munching on the fruit. I giggled at his silly antics.

I turned the knob and was greeted by a black cat whom I would never expect to be in my room. He was deep in his thoughts as he starred at my cieling, his right leg resting on top of his left, he rested on his hands wich were extended behind him as he sat zoned out on my bed.

I kept my composure as I stood there in awe of the hero that was sat on my bed. "Chat? What are you doing here?" I asked. He flinched at the sound of my voice. He stood up and gave me a bow.

"Hello there, princess. I hope you don't mind me intruding your space." He said now walking towards my study desk as he pulled my chair and sat down on it. His chest leaned on the back support of the chair as his arms rested on top of it.

"No.. not at all. What are you doing here?" I realized how rude that sounded so I continued on but ended up blurting out lots of nonsense. "I-if you d-don't mind me asking that is.. well, I hope you don't because I really don't mind you here at all... Yeah...hi." I face palmed myself.

"Sorry..." He started to laugh. He tried to keep it in but it kept slipping out.

"I sounded stupid didn't I?" I said embarrassed.

"No! No.. you didn't." He said wiping his tears off trying to keep a straight face on

"You're a really bad liar, Chat." I said as I started to giggle.

He just shrugged at me.

"So... what brings you here?" I asked once more as I sat on my bed putting the bag with Hunter in it on top of my nightstand table.

"can't a cat like me visit a beautiful lady like you?" he said winking at me.

I glared at him with confusion. "thank you? I guess..."

"aren't you models used to compliments?" he said tilting his head to to right a little.

"well you've mistaken me for the wrong model." I said giving him a slighty awkward grin. He gave me a faint chuckle.

I bet he could feel the awkward atmosphere that now surrounded the roon. He suddenly spoke up catching me off gaurd.

"so.." he said which made me jump a little.

He slowly approached me as he spoke.
"I came here to thank you.. " he said rubbing the back of his neck.

I patted the empty space beside me on my bed signalling him to sit down. He got the idea and sat down.

"for what?"

"for saving me back there... if you didn't do that who knows I..."

I cut him off. "no.. no... forget that ever happened." I gave him a smile. I appreciated his effort of thanking honestly, I do but... I just wanna forget what happened with Adrien.

"oh..." he said quietly. He gave me an apologetic smile.

"whatever you say, princess. But, Chat's (see what I did there? no? okay, bye.) honor I will make it up to you." he said as he kissed my hand like an actual princess.

all I could do was blush at him. Why am I blushing? I hope he doesn't notice.

"see you soon, (Y/N)." he gave me a salute as he left off.

"already htting it off with Chat Noir as both (Y/N) and Chasseresse? that's my girl!" I looked over at Hunter who's head was popped out of the bag holding an apple slice as he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"oh shut up, Hunter."

"okay... princess." he teased me.

"just get back to eating." I said chuckling at him as I used my pointer finger to push him back in the bag.

I laid down on my bed as I thought about all the events that happened today the only noise filling the room is my heavy breathing and Hunter crunching on his apple slices.

I can't wait to save Paris.

With that final thought I soon started to doze off. Hunter flew and laid down next to me, resting himself on my pillow.

"goodnight, Chasseresse." he gave me a faint laugh.

I giggled at him with tiredness evident in my voice. "goodnight, Hunter..." I slurred.

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now