Chapter 14

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(Y/N) P.O.V

"do I really need to go to school?" I asked Haley.

"for the hundredth time (Y/N), yes. Hurry up, Adrien's gonna arrive any minute now.

I gave a big huff as I slouched up. "Can't I just walk to school?" Giving Haley a little pout with matching puppy dog eyes.

She straightened my posture. My eyes grew wide, she caught me by surprise. "That won't work on me" she said walking towards the counter as she picked her tablet up.

"You have a little session with Adrien later so you both will be picked up after lunch" her eyes departed from the tablet to look at me.

"Session?" I said furrowing my brows.

"You have a press conference on Wednesday. Your father prepared scripts for both you and Adrien and your perfermance will be evaluated tomorrow by both your parents and Mr. Agreste" she said that without even catching a breath as she looked back on her tablet. I remained in shock.

'shoot, I suck at memorzing scripts' I thought to myself.

"Got that, (Y/N)?" She asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"y-yeah..." I said standing up. She nodded and focused back on scrolling through my schedule.

I took a banana from the fruit basket and scurried upstairs. I opened the door and saw Hunter by the couch watching a TV show.

"What's up with you? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Hunter said giving me a worried expression as he flew to me.

"Are you sick?" He said placing his tiny hand on my forehead.

I walked over to my bag and threw in the fruit.

"Yeah..." Hunter was just about to freak out.

"Of hearing that Adrien Agreste's name!" I said covering my face, I started squeezing myself wanting to just rip my flesh off out of frustration.

"You mean this guy?" Hunter asked.

I turned to face him revealing an eye. I saw him carrying the magazine cover with Adrien and I in the park on it.

"Ugh, just seeing him makes me want to..." I burried my face back in my hands.

I heard Hunter put down the magazine and felt his presence right in front of me as soft swooshes of air touched my forehead.

"Is he your boyfriend or something?"

I jumped back doing a karate stance ready to attack him. "W-WHAT?! No... I guess? Sorta?"

He wiggles his eyebrows at me. "I see." As he flew towards my bag.

I turned around to face him "no no no! We're just... Look, pretending to date." I gave him a little smile.

He gave me the 'bish wtf?" look.

I was cut off by knocking on the door as it slightly opened.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything but Adrien is here."

"Be there in a sec!" The door shut and I faced the little smirking kwami who's head was popping out of my bag. "You heard her (Y/N)! 'Adrienis here~" he said Batting his eyes as he made smoochy noises.

"Oh, shut up." I said shoving him in with my pointer finger as I wore my bag and headed off.

As much as I wanted to clear things out with Hunter, he was right. I can't make Adrien wait long... Plus, I don't want Haley to kill me for being late.

I hope today won't be a complete disaster.


Eyyy~ it's me with a filler chapter :'D I'm sorry for being inactive~ cross your fingers and hope for the best that I'd get to update regularly again~  I didn't get to proof read this so sorry for the mistakes in this chapter~ thank you for reading this and have a wonderful day! Byeeee

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