~Chapter 33~

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Y/N's P.O.V

My alarm started blasting its really annoying beeping sound as my eyes jolted open. I quickly realized that Noah was gone. 'That's strange, when has he ever woken up this early?' I thought to myself.

"Ugh, turn that thing off" a groaned shortly followed after that.

I froze. If I'm not in bed, where am I?

"Will you get off of me already? You're heavy" Before I could react something, rather somebody pushed me off and I rolled down the floor.

I sat up and turned my head around revealing Adrien laying down on my couch. "What are you still doing here?"

"Shh.. I slept uncomfortably thanks to you. My legs are numb, let me rest" he said stuffing his face into the pillow I had on my couch.

"I swear you're so annoying" I rolled my eyes at him. Standing up as I patted the food crumbs that fell on the floor off my clothes.

"And I swear don't fall asleep on me next time" I could barely understand him since the pillow was slurred up his words.

"Ugh whatever. You better get home we have a photoshoot in.." I checked the clock.

I felt as if I was showered with freezing ice water as my tired ass woke up in an instant after seeing what time it is. "20 minutes!"

"HUH? WHAT?!" Adrien said stumbling up.

"Why didn't Haley wake us up?!" I rubbed my temples.

"Stop standing there and get ready! You know how our father's despise tardies" He said as he dashed out of my room still trying to get his feet to budge in his shoes.

Time Skip

Thankfully, I'm used to quick changes and Haley pre-packed my essentials for photoshoots. 'Thank you Haley!" I thought to myself.

We quickly arrived at the Gabriel studios. Turns out even Haley overslept. Luckily we made it just in time.

As we entered the studio I scanned the room for Adrien. He didn't seem to be here yet. I guess he might be in his dressing room getting ready.

Speaking of which, I was rushed into mine. I didn't even get to greet my crew as they started prepping me up for the shoot. My hair and make up were being done quickly as some other people steamed ironed my wardrobe, making sure everything was in good condition and ready to wear.

In a nick of time I was done and ready for costume change! My crew's really are amazing at what they do. We were following a really tight schedule. So when I was finished dressing up, I was ushered outside right away. The photographer was yelling praise at some other person.

'Guess Adrien's doing well again' but to my surprise it wasn't Adrien.

He looked at me and waved.

"Hey Noah" I mouthed as I returned his wave.

The photographer looked at me and beamed out a smile. "Ah! Perfect (Y/N). You're finally here! Come here and pose with Noah".

They did some final fixes on my hair, makeup, and clothes before letting me join Noah. I honestly felt excited! It feels like forever since I did a photoshoot with my best friend!

He was in front of a black-drop and he wore a really fancy navy blue suit with brown shoes. His white patterned top was buttoned half way up, revealing his toned muscular buildup. He also had his hair slicked back.

We were matchy come to think of it...

My dress was kinda out of my comfort zone

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My dress was kinda out of my comfort zone. Though, I'm glad that I'm posing with Noah. I'm comfortable with him and this'll calm my nerves down.

He immediately wrapped his arm around my shoulder and leaned in. I held his hand and posed for the camera. (Here's a sample if you can't imagine it)

"Yes! I love the chemistry! I can feel the sparks from here!" The photographer exclaimed

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"Yes! I love the chemistry! I can feel the sparks from here!" The photographer exclaimed. We did more poses similar to this one since he seemed to like it. We did poses like him and me facing one another, placing my hand on his chest as he looked away from the camera, hugging my waist as I looked fiercely at the camera... those kinds of poses.

I really didn't mind. It's just Noah anyways.

After a couple of other poses the photographer seems satisfied with the amount of shots he got and sent us off on a break to prepare again shortly after for the shoot.

I dashed to the snack bar and admired the array of delicious food Mr. Agreste provided us with.

Adrien's P.O.V

I walked out of my dressing room. I looked up and furrowed my brows at Noah and (Y/N) posing together.

"What's he doing here?" I muttered to myself.

"That is what he's here for, Adrien. Nothing to get fussed up about" a soft yet very stern monotoned voice spoke right behind my ear.

I flinched and was met with Natalie. "Oh, I didn't notice you were there.." I chuckled hiding my embarrassment as I rubbed my neck.

I looked back at the two. This time he had is arm wrapped around her chest as she held his hand... "Yeah.. Nothing to fuss about."

Hi... I'm back~

You guys need a proper apology and an explanation. Before anything else, I'd like to thank you all for still supporting and showering this story  with love!! Despite my inactivity.

I'm really sorry for being inactive, I've been writing this chapter alone for months now and every time I'd try to write something.. I just couldn't force myself to get back at it.. I always make sure that I end up publishing something that I would  be proud of and happy to share with you guys! I started this book because I wanted to, not because I needed to. Sadly, I started getting lost, and it started to feel like I need to keep publishing chapters... It ended up with a huge in-satisfaction in my part, as the writer.

A lot of things have happened in my personal life, some of which I'm not too happy about. I guess you could say it played a big part in my inactivity as well.

I'm not making promises on when the next following chapters are going to be up! But I'm determined to finish this book with upcoming chapters that I'm going to be happy about and hope that you guys would enjoy!

This book passed so many of my expectations,, Never really thought that it would blow up.  I feel really blessed and thankful for all of you!

Thank You

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now