~Chapter 30~

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Where is he?" Gabriel asked me sternly. He faced back at me as he stared up at the huge abstract portrait of this beautiful blonde girl.

"I don't know" I chocked a bit but I managed to get the words out. I kept sinking on the soft black velvet chair that I was sitting on, hoping that it'll just swallow me up to escape this horrible mess.

Gabriel didn't utter a single word after he cleared his throat. He was deep in thought. I was ready to transform into Chasseresse and flee. It was tempting, really tempting, but I'll have to face this even if I did. I could hear father and Haley panic at the far back end of the room making calls, emails, text messages, every form of communication that was possible. Whilst here I am, unable to do anything but just wait for Adrien to barge in through the door.

Gabriel sighed, which made me jump for some weird reason. He turned his heel as he approached me.

"For the last time (y/n)... Where is Adrien?" His brows were arched this time, he's not going to stop unless I give him the answer he wants to hear. Unfortunately, I don't have that answer.

"Mr. Agreste, I really don't know"

"Listen (y/n), just tell me where Adrien ran off with that girl. Just please tell me now" Gabriel said bending down a bit. The moment I looked him in the eye, I could  feel a hundred daggers being thrown right up on my spine.

"Please Mr. Agreste... I really don't know where they are" I pleaded this time. He stood up straight, massaging the bridge of his nose. I stared at the door and back at Gabriel simultaneously.

Adrien where are you?

"Don't lie to me (y/n)" I looked up at Gabriel with shock and confusion.

"Excuse me?"

"STOP LYING TO ME AND JUST TELL ME WHERE HE IS!" he snapped at me. The whole room went silent, I froze. My vision kept blurring up as I fought back the tears. I closed my eyes and calmed myself by doing deep breaths and as if my prayers were answered...

"STOP IT FATHER" a voice called out across the room. Both Gabriel and I immediately turned our heads to face the familiar voice.

"SHE ISN'T LYING. (Y/N) DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING!" Adrien yelled angrily as he marched our way.

"You have a lot of explaining to do" Gabriel said sternly as his face went back to it's normal cold and emotionless state.

"I know.." Adrien looked down.

"Now" Gabriel turned his heel once more as he made his way to his desk and sat on his chair. Adrien followed right behind him. It took a couple of minutes then Gabriel called me over.

My legs felt weak as I stood up and every step I took felt like I was stepping on hot coal.

"I want both of you to fix this mess ASAP"

"Father and I agreed that we should make a statement online to clear some things up. Then we're gonna have one last interview before starting photoshoots"

"Oh, okay... What should-" Adrien cut me off.

"Also... after 5 months. When the whole partnership is off between your dad and mine... We can..." He looked away from me as he fidgeted on a paper clip on Gabriel's desk.

"Can what?" I spoke up, getting a little bit impatient and curious too.

"Call it off"

My mouth formed an O shape. This is what I wanted. After 5 months I can go back home and leave this whole  fiasco in the past.

"That's... Great" I told him happily. Yet, deep down I wasn't. I didn't know why, but I just did.

I took my phone and opened 'Tweeter' . My feed was filled with news articles and various reactions of people who @ed me.

I started typing away.

'I bet you guys saw the news. This was all just a big misunderstanding. Adrien was just protecting the girl, who is a friend of ours, from the media who bombarded them with questions and disrespected their personal space.'

'Also, Adrien can hang out with anybody he wishes to hang out with. We love each other very much, we're still warming up to the public eye. So please stop sending hate, especially towards Marinette. They did nothing wrong. xx'

I ended my thread there.

"Agreste, you alright there?" I said leaning towards him.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)... I'm really sorry you got dragged into this" his eyes looked sadly at me.

"Hey, it was my idea. I should be the one apologizing to you. Now, stop looking like a depressed whale. You know gossip, it'll die down sooner or later. Now get your ass up and let's play video games"

He chuckled. "I underestimated you before, you're amazing you know that?"

"Tell me something I don't already know. Now come on! Your console's waiting for us!" I said giggling as I pulled him right up his room.

People have been waiting for Adrien's statement after mine went viral. Well, they'll have to wait a bit longer cause Adrien's set on beating me on the game. We all know how long that'll take.

Picture Perfect (Adrien x Reader x Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now